Regarding November 14th, 1986:
"I will never forget doing the very last piece in the was a thing of great masturbatory beauty. For some reason I felt I was suffering at the hands of women, the theatre, and my public. (Ok, when didn't I feel like that--well, not since moving to Virginia.) I had some blood capsules and I started my piece by looking each audience member in the eye, accusingly, pleadingly, depending on what I thought there idea of No Shame was....Rob Rotman kept muttering, "Uhhmmm, yes, interesting, powerful, interesting" without any irony or sarcasm. Then I stepped back and slugged myself in the jaw really hard, and spewed the blood from the blood capsule out into the audience. I heard Rob say "Oh, my!" I hit myself a few more times and then got in the truck and took my theatre home. I remember looking through the rear view mirror as the audience just stood there in the parking lot watching the tail lights dissappear over the hill by Hancher.THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL AND MAY NOT BE DOWNLOADED, TRANSMITTED, PRINTED OR PERFORMED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORTalk about masturbation, but Rob got something out of it, and I'm laughing a lot right now so, eh, it was worth it. Next week we moved inside to Theatre B."
---Todd Ristau (11/5/01)
The piece was performed November 14, 1986, by Todd Ristau.