I Like Wispy Clouds
by Brett Neveu
copyright © 1990

Performed by Adam Whisner and Brett Neveu

(lights up)

1- I like wispy clouds. I like wispy clouds. The clouds, the wispy ones, those are the ones I like.

2- When life has got you down
Look at the wispy clouds around
in faces streams and bowls
in rocks in hills in moles.

1- That sure is a neat way to look at life. I'll remember that forever. (pause) I have a wispy cloud in a jar. (opens hands) I've let it go.

2- When life has got you cross
Use wispy clouds as dental floss
for your teeth your eyes your skin
your nose your mouth your chin.

1- Okay. That's pretty nice. (pause) Would you like to see how wispy clouds make me feel? (does wispy movements) Now that's honesty. Hard to find these days.

2- In a big old plain brown bag
Wispy clouds like to brag
about the colors of your feet
and the largeness of your seat.

1- Now that's not true. Wispy clouds think of rainbows and the celestial dust in the cosmos.

2- At the edgeness of your bed
Wispy clouds hit your head
put poopies in your shoes
and leave no wispy clues.

1- Hey! You've gone too far! Wispy clouds are hiding in the Looleeday Land in the nighttime!

2- Wispy clouds are right from Satan
and are always a-matin'
with dogs and frogs and weeds
with skulls and limburger seeds!

1- I do not believe it.

2- Wispy clouds eat rancid eyes
and like it when you dies.

1- (begins to cry) Not true!

2- Wispy clouds are not cool
they live in grandpa's drool!

1- (crying) No!!

2- Wispy clouds kill

1- NO!!! (dies)

2- (goes to #1. Shoves him. Goes away from #1)
I like puffy clouds.

(slow fade to black)

"I Like Wispy Clouds" was originally performed in the fall of 1990. The piece was pictured in an Iowa City Press-Citizen article from October 4, 1990 with photos believed to have been taken at No Shame on August 31, 1990.

"I Like Wispy Clouds" was performed at Best of No Shame on November 30, 1990.

Performed again as part of FOSSILS on May 9, 1992.

Performed at Best of the Best of No Shame on October 11, 1996.

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