No Shame Theatre Archives (2002)
Webmaster's note: If you have information that will fill in the gaps,
PLEASE let us know.
Author or (No Shamer) - Title (Performers, if known)
No Shame in Orlando began in April of 2002.
The exact date in April is not known.
No Shame Preview
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 (?)
- [Mood Swing Café]
[This is most likely the date of a preview performance given to to generate interest for the first performance in April.
The preview was reviewed in Carl F. Gauze's Archikulture Digest.
Pieces performed at this preview include:]
- H.B. McGrew - Mall of the Afterlife
- "Trying to take over the world" read by Isabella Maia and Matt
- a read through of True Love, a truly minimalist work
- a few more segments of Works In Progress
- a few interesting violin pieces by Don Crandall
Wednesday, April 3, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[possible dates in April]
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[possible dates in April]
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[possible dates in April]
Wednesday, April 24, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[possible dates in April]
Wednesday, May 1, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, May 8, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, June 5, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, July 3, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[the order, in no particular order:]
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[the order, in no particular order:]
- Heather Lam - Mall of the Afterlife
(performed by Tabitha Lee)
- Sparkly Kittens - Bad Poetry and Interpretive Dance Presents: The Bird
(performed by Heather Lam [Poet] & Tabitha Lee [Interpretive dancer])
- Sparkly Kittens - Bad Poetry and Interpretive Dance Presents: The Kitten
(performed by Heather Lam [Poet] & Tabitha Lee [Interpretive dancer])
- Kim Wade - Infomercial
(Heather Lam as Crystal Ball & Tabitha Lee as Dean AND Frank)
- Heather Lam and the audience - Bedside No Shame Libs
(Heather Lam [Patient], Eric Frohnapple, Esq. Pirate for Hire [Cardiologist] and Sharon Barbour [Nurse])
[A new idea was cast last night as well that the audience was quite smitten with called "No Shame Libs".
The audience was asked to give several verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs to plug into a mundane piece called Bedside.
Heather Lam, Eric Frohnapple, Esq. Pirate for Hire and Sharon Barbour performed the piece using the words given by the audience. Nothing like reverting back to our childhood for a good laugh.]
Wednesday, September 4, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
[the order, in no particular order:]
- H.B. McGrew - Breakfast
(Heather Lam [Joanne], Tabitha Lee [Natalie])
- Sparkly Kittens - Bad Poetry and Interpretive Dance Presents: The Elephant
(Heather Lam [Poet], Tabitha Lee [Interpretive dancer])
- H.B. McGrew - New Age Belief
(performed by Heather Lam)
- Tabitha Lee - Morning Ritual
(performed by Tabitha Lee)
- H.B. McGrew - Cause I'm Psychic
(preformed by Bhren Gatlin)
- Shannon McCormick - The Money Box
(Heather Lam [Claire], Tabitha Lee [Stephanie], Bhren Gatlin [Julie])
- Divinci - Could you give me directions
- Divinci - Torn between Hippies and Activism
- Swamburger - 911?
(performed by Swamburger)
- Swamburger - The other half as a woman
(performed by Swamburger)
- Swamburger - Crucifiction
(performed by Swamburger)
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
We did not do a show tonight because of 9/11...noone showed up :(
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
- [Mood Swing Café]
Last No Shame at the Mood Swing Café
- Matt Baetz - Couples
(performed by Heather Lam, Tabitha Lee, Neila Wilson & Bhren Gaitlin)
- Matt Baetz - Like
(performed by Heather Lam & Tabitha Lee)
- Matt Baetz - What to Do When the President's Already Been Shot?
(performed by Heather Lam & Tabitha Lee)
- Sparkly Kittens - Bad Poetry and Interpretive Dance: The Baboon
(performed by Heather Lam & Tabitha Lee)
- Neila Wilson - Daddy Knows Best
(performed by Neila Wilson)
Orlando No Shame is moving to Cherry Street Theatre on November 6, 2002! Cherry Street Theatre
is a brand spankin' new 150 seat theatre located in Winter Park.
They have been kind enough to bring our orphaned No Shame into their home for the
low price of our souls, muuuahahahahahaha. For those writers interested in participating
please bring enough typewritten scripts for the actors and one copy for the lightboard operator
(yes we have real stage lights and a house PA to work with, yippee!) And yes, we still need actors
to participate in our reindeer games. Come one, come all. Bring your friends, bring
your friend's friends. Monkeys are granted free admission.
We will be performing regularly the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month.
Sign up is at 7:30pm with performances starting at 8pm.
And just to give you a heads up I believe our first show is going to be a BONS of sorts. Since we really don't have any new writers/pieces we will do some of our old pieces as an encore of sorts.
Wednesday, November 6, 2002
- [Cherry Street Theatre]
Hey all...ok NOONE showed up last night :( We do have some really cool/cheap advertising leads though, so we are gonna get on that asap. One of the opportunities is a interview on a popular radio station down here. I'll keep everyone updated. It's been a rough year but we are still smiling (it might be the crack though).
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- [Cherry Street Theatre]
- Matt Baetz -
What to Do When the President's Already Been Shot?
(performed by David Perez & Keith Ernst)
- Matt Baetz -
(performed by Tabitha Lee, David Perez, Keith Ernst and Steve Drucker)
- H.B. McGrew -
Mall of the Afterlife
(performed by Tabitha "the evil one" Lee)
- Matt Baetz -
(performed by Steve Drucker & Joe)
- H.B. McGrew -
(performed by Tabitha Lee, David Perez & Keith Ernst)
- Joe -
A Song
Then we did about a half an hour of the improv game called Freeze...
Keep in mind we are redoing pieces since no one really saw them to begin with...but once it is done, it's done until BONS time...:)
Wednesday, December 4, 2002
- [Cherry Street Theatre]
Btw, I didn't post an order for our last No Shame cause no one showededed up :(
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
- [Cherry Street Theatre]
Um, I forgot my notes at the office so this is a basic wrap up from tonight: We had fun. :)
I'll post the real order soon...
Continue on to 2003