No Shame Theatre Archives (1993-1995)

Webmaster's note: If you have information that will fill in the gaps, PLEASE let us know.

Author or (No Shamer) - Title (Performers, if known)


Friday, February 26th, 1993 - [Area Stage]
[First No Shame in Miami]
  1. David Chaskis (sitar player)
  2. Bronwyn Mills
  3. Doug Cooney
  4. Halo (band)
  5. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode One
  6. Joanne Butcher
  7. Martha Soto
  8. Halo (band)

Friday, March 5th, 1993
  1. Brian E. Rochlin "Ringing the Bells"
  2. Joe Pazillo
  3. Adrian Castro
  4. Sam Spade and Marlowe
  5. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode Two
  6. Martha Soto

Friday, March 12th, 1993
  1. Stu's Prunes
  2. Dennis Hall - "The Miss Vagina Pageant"
  3. Magda Hiller (music)
  4. Michael MacEachern
  5. ????
  6. Kathy Ann Leshen [the now infamous Karaoke incident]
  7. Keith Blaney "My Name's Not Rusty"
  8. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode Three
  9. Martha Soto

"Hi, I'm Martin Hill. I worked with the No Shame, Miami/Miami Beach incarnation. I missed the first show and two others, otherwise I performed in the rest (There were 91 performances, including the Best of shows)." ---Martin Hill

Friday, March 19th, 1993
  1. Keith Blaney
  2. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode Four
  3. Suzanne (dance piece)
  4. Martin Hill
  5. Dennis Hall
  6. Stu's Prunes
  7. Brian E. Rochlin
  8. Silva
  9. Martha Soto

Friday, March 26th, 1993
  1. Jodi Foster & Eric Fish [In this incident, Eric was unhappy with the two song limit and the audience response and took close to 15 minutes to pack up the stage and get off. He meticulously coiled every cable, milking the time. The audience applauded when he finally left]
  2. Keith Blaney - "Concentration Camp"
  3. Joanne Butcher - "Going to Be Nice Tonight" (performance art)
  4. Bobby Miller
  5. Martha Soto
  6. Sara Blackman (poetry)
  7. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode Five
  8. Alan Klein (comedian)
  9. David Atchison

Friday, April 2nd, 1993
  1. Kazak (Hatian racines band)
  2. Mark Holt
  3. Vicky & Sula [One of the most memorable No Shame sketches. Vicky Hendricks, now a successful novelist, didn't tell us who Sula was in advance. She walked into the theater with a gym bag, no additional actor in sight. When it was time for Vicky & Sula to take the stage, she carried on the gym bag...but still no Sula. We were a little concerned. As an open performance venue (we didn't even require scripts), the theater could be a dangerous space. Sula was inside the gym bag. It was Vicky's pet ferret. She held the ferret and pulled a tiny pair of paper rabbit ears out of the bag and placed them over its head. And, together, they told the story of Brer Rabbit and the Briar Patch. Vicky would talk, doing the narrator, the Brer Fox, and Brer Bear voices (and not much difference between them). When it was time for Brer Rabbit to speak, she would hold Sula-rabbit ears in place-in front of her, and bounce the ferret up and down to indicate he was speaking. Vicky didn't even try to pretend she wasn't speaking or to alter her voice. Once the ears fell off and Vicky bent down to retrieve them. Once they spun around on Sula's head, pointing downward towards the stage, and she spun them back to the top. And Vicky, who that evening carried an air of "White Southern Cracker" could not have been a less appropriate person to tell that tale in a PC world. It was hilarious.]
  4. Manuel Ferro - "I Can't Hear the Music" (peformed by Mark Cameron and Dorothy Lewis)
  5. Stu's Prunes
  6. Chuck Eigman (Biker poet)
  7. Keith Blaney
  8. Martha Soto

Friday, April 9th, 1993
  1. Luis Roncayolo (video performance)
  2. Alexander
  3. Dennis Hall - "More from Miss Vagina"
  4. Bronwyn Mills - "Name, Smile, Body Parts"
  5. Marty Hill
  6. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode Six
  7. Karen Schmidt (performance artist)

Friday, April 16th, 1993
  1. Brian E. Rochlin
  2. Artworks
  3. Susan Murray - "Looney Bin"
  4. Luis (double bassist)
  5. Alexander (poet)
  6. Eric Bryan (stand-up from LA)
  7. Marty Hill
  8. Paul Roub (music)
  9. Brian E. Rochlin -- No Shame Players Serial - Episode Seven
  10. Catrina Elias (aka Katrina Elias) - "Holocaust Monologue"
  11. Joanne Butcher (performance art) - "Doll in Chair"
  12. Martha Soto


Best of No Shame
February 25 & 26, 1994
- [Area Stage]
[special anniversary performance]
[order missing]

"I joined the group in August of 1994, so No Shame had been around at least a year before I got there. It was my very first acting and writing experience and proved to be extremely important in launching my career. It was much more of an educational experience for me, as I had no prior training. I learned from my fellow actors and writers and built upon their teachings after No Shame disbanded and I helped found a new theatre group. Today, I'm a SAG actor in Los Angeles but my real credits are in writing. I've optioned a screenplay to MGM/UA (still in development hell) and just recently came in 3rd place in's first Spec Scriptacular for a "Bernie Mac" spec script. A second script is currently a finalist at" ---Adam "Bones" Libarkin

from September 1994

from November 1994

from dates unknown 1994


2nd Annual Best of No Shame Theatre
Friday, March 3 & Saturday, March 4, 1994
- [Area Stage]
Place: Area Stage, 645 Lincoln Road, South Beach Miami, Florida

Cast: Bronwyn Mills, Rob Mills, Brian E. Rochlin, Bones, Charlotte Glover, Martin Hill, Michael MacEachern, Jonathan Rose, Lori Ward

Invited Performers: Joanne Butcher, Omine Eager, Joey Gilley, Mike Horton, Danny Jessup, Peter Kisiluk, Alan Klein, Lourdes Simon, Michael Sperr

Introduction by Brian E. Rochlin 

"Shithead and Vagina in 'Miracle on 79th Screet...and Biscayne'"
Written by Lori Ward
Performed by Lori Ward, Mike MacEachern & Martin Hill
(pronounced "Shi-theed and Vagin-Ay" and "SCREET" is spelled correctly)

Lourdes - Song and spoken word

Mike Horton - Comedy and music (banjo/harmonica)

"Did You Ever Hear the Stereos"
Written by Martin Hill
Performed by Lori Ward, Mike MacEachern & Bones

Michael Sperr
Stand-up comedy

"I'll Be Home for Christmas"
Written by Brian E. Rochlin and Bronwyn Mills
Performed by Lori Ward & Bronwyn Mills

The Danny Jessup Show--featuring Diarrhea-man (Joey Gilley)
Comedy sketch - talk show parody

Comedic monologue by Martin Hill

"An Interfaith Chanukah"
Written by Martin Hill
Performed by Lori Ward & Mike MacEachern

"Hamster Homicide"
Written by Michael MacEachern
Performed by Brian E. Rochlin, Lori Ward, Mike MacEachern, Martin Hill, Bones & Charlotte Glover

Joanne Butcher
Performance Artist


"Ay Popi" (episode 5)
Written by Jonathan Rose
Performed by Bronwyn Mills, Lori Ward, Mike MacEachern, Martin Hill, Jonathan Rose, & Bones

Peter Kisiluk
Balinese Dance

Alan Klein
Stand-up comedy

"White Rap Theatre"
Written by Martin Hill, Charlotte Glover and the No Shame Players
Performed by Bones, Bronwyn Mills, Lori Ward, Mike MacEachern, Martin Hill, & Charlotte Glover

[SOURCE: from the program for the 1995 2nd Annual Best of No Shame show; collection of Adam "Bones" Libarkin]

Friday, March 10th, 1995 - [Area Stage]
[order missing]
[The following piece was part of this show:]

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