"I went to this. It "rocked" the "house". I "think" that anyone interested in seeing specifically what it is that "real" No Shame is missing should "attend" Yes, Shame."
--Nick Clark
Yes, Shame Theatre
Iowa City High School
(est. Sept. 10, 2002)
"To balance out the presence of shame, there are refreshments."
City High's favorite No Shame knockoff.
Every other Wednesday Night in the Little Theatre at 8:00.
Bring materials at 7:30 to get on the order.
No Shame Message Center The following sites are
independently-operated message boards and fan boards
hosting unrestricted discussions related to No Shame Theatre.
Rules haven't been formally set up, but it must be, for the most part, 'school appropriate.'
So far it's been on Tuesdays, and I think it might stick there.
The show actually starts at 8:00, but I guess you could say order is taken at 7:30.
For information about Yes, Shame, contact:
Andy Fenneman, Tareq Abuissa, and Harrison Burke