copyright © 1999 Nick Clark

Love Poem by Dubious Sexuality Clark

[This poem is read as quickly and loudly as Nick can, which is probaly not quick or loud enough to do any good.]

Here comes the love. The words ran through my head. My thoughts narrate themselves. I was about to give up. Just when the utter futility of it all came crashing down on me,

Here comes the love.

I don’t know. I don’t feel like anyone has ever cared. It’s like they just flavor their indifference.

Here comes the love

There’s these emotions, and maybe love’s an emotion, maybe not. I never feel emotions. No one ever had emotions that I know of. Just flavored indifference.

Here comes the love.

The only real emotion, the only love I’ve felt was my mom when I was a kid. Maybe since then her love’s expired. Maybe I’m just not so gullible anymore.

Here comes the love.

Sometimes I feel love for other people at the most inopportune moments. Almost like getting an erection for no reason when you were thirteen.

Here comes the love.

Like a belch, like a premature ejaculation. There’s love; over as quick as it started. With a look, the mention of someone’s name, the sound of their voice. I feel love like a camera flash, stealing away people’s souls in a moment too short to measure.

Here comes the love.

I hate love. It hits me and my stomach churns. I’ve felt love recently if I can feel my colon quake. It’s the psychological equivalent of an extra large order of fries. Gastroenterologists get half their business from people who love to excess.

Here comes the love.

What’s an emotion? Happy, pissed off, confused. They last about a half a day. Love ideally would last for ever. But my camera just flashes. Either way, it’s nothing like an emotion.

Here comes the love.

It’s more like an understanding. An epiphany you forget as soon as you think it.

Here comes the love.

Love 2K. Our relationships are about to crash. It’s time to upgrade our person to person interfaces.

Here comes the love.

I have a huge pile of snapshots from my instamatic love. They’re going to be obsolete.

Here comes the love.



"Love Poem" debuted October 1, 1999 performed by Nick Clark.

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