[These photos are from an article in the Iowa City Press-Citizen on February 20, 1997.
It is assumed that they were all taken at a single performance.
Presumeably Febuary 14th, because one of them is known to be "Mighty Mighty Monsters".
The identity of the other pieces is sheer guesswork...]
"Rob Merritt uses his time in the spotlight at a Friday night performance of No Shame theater." (from Rob Merritt's Tired)
"Kent Lambert force-feeds Rob Merritt some Surge soft drink during a recent skit at No Shame theater at the University of Iowa." (from Rob Merritt's Tired)
"Larry Pontius listens as Megan Gogery and Carolyn Space Jacobson perform Friday night at No Shame theater." (Probably Larry Pontius' Mighty Mighty Monsters.)
"The crowds have returned to the Friday night performances of No Shame theater. Here they listen to Carolyn Space Jacobson." (Possibly Jacobson's Just Words?)
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