Author(s) - Title (Performers, if known)
1) Orion Meyer - monologue starting "My Friend Rob..."
2) Megan Gogerty - Bug
3) JAB - JAB Local 151 Hearing on Cooperative Effort in the Workplace (Adam Burton, John Smick & Brooks Peck)
4) Rob Frisch - Don't Look Too Closely
5) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Freudian Camisole
6) R. Sean Williams - Dress Me Up
7) Cadry Nelson - My Summer Vacation
8) Megan Gogerty - Eggplant in May
9) Julia Meyer - Two Songs
10) Cadry Nelson - Granny
11) Barbara Goldman - Aisle Six
1) Orion Meyer - Tupac Shakur piece
2) Sean Williams - My Late-Frost Lady
3) Dan Brooks - The Great Offensive Hamster Sketch
4) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Sisters
5) Rob Frisch - Accident
6) John Pszyk - Beat the Blue Black . . .
7) Cadry Nelson - Take That!
8) Valerie Krugler - Barbie
9) Cadry Nelson - Autumn
10) C. Heath Ratliff - No Smoking: World Plague of the 20th Century and its Implications Upon the Socccieities of Third World Countries
11) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Dandle Me
12) R. Sky Palkowitz - La Piazzo Propheto (Delusions with Dave)
13) Dan Brooks - Apology for the Hamster Sketch
14) Cadry Nelson - Building Up Defense
15) Todd Ristau - The Putnam Parallelogram
1) Megan Gogerty and Seth Fisher - Weakness
2) Leah Ryan - Meat is Dead Fur
3) Chad Larabee - Pagan Vagina God
4) Cadry Nelson - Crunch Crunch Crunch
5) Jason Douglas - Narcissism and the Art of Vibrator Maintenance
6) JAB - The Bartender's Tale
7) Chad Larabee - Falling
8) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Grappling with Charlotte Brontë - [RealAudio]
9) Megan Gogerty - Sal
10) Rob Frisch - Romeo and Gigabyte
11) Rob Merritt - The Mystery Machine of Love
12) Stephen Perkins - Desert Storm Revisited
13) Baldwin and DeWolfe - Threshold, part one
14) John Psyzk - Breaking the Chain
15) Jeb Stegemann - Two Poems (and a proposal)
16) Julia Meyer - Two Songs
1) Steve Westlake - Baseball Bonanza[NOTE: ISCAnic X this weekend?]
2) Patrick Deegan - About This
3) Adam Burton - What I Like
4) Lailah Saafir - Lailah's Musings
5) Rob Frisch - Adaptation
6) Megan Gogerty - Stub
7) Kris Millering - What I learned in Plant Propogation or 5 More ways to leave your lover
8) ??? - Modern 1/2
9) R. Sky Palkowitz - A poetic Prophetic Message from Delusional Dave Concerning Native American Indians, and the World
10) Carolyn Space Jacobson - The Clown Knows
1) John Pszyk - Memorandom (percussion instruments on strings)
2) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Why I Don't Write
3) Stacey Sommerfeld - Purging My Fears (eating bugs)
4) Josie and the Moonies - Epic Lazzi (all the audience volunteers)
5) Jake Houser - Discourse on the Social Advantages of Cohabitation with Potatos
6) Sean Williams - Plunger
7) Megan Gogerty - The Subtleties of Revolution (Megan without pants)
8) Rob Frisch - Prahlerei (Flopping fish)
9) Dan Brooks - A Brief Public Service Announcement (Scurvy/AIDS)
10) Cadry Nelson - Modern Astronomy (Richard Simmons/demon possession)
11) Lailah Saafir - Lailah's Musings
12) Megan Gogerty - Driver
13) Julia Meyer - Death of Destruction
14) Valerie Krugler and Tim McCollum - Fetish
15) R. Sky Palkowitz - Barbie's Got the Car
1. Brett Neveu, "I Like Wispy Clouds" (1989-1990)
(Performed by Brett Neveu and Adam Whisner)
2. John Smick, "Fruitcake" (1989-1990)
(Performed by John Smick)
3. Jeff Goode, "Cave Walruses" (1986-87)
(Performed by Dan Gurler, Inger Hatlen, Amy Lynn Pigott, Cheryl Snodgrass, and Doug Steckel)
4. Mike Geither, "Hey, This Really Happened" (1990-1991)
(Performed by Mike Geither)
5. Scott Smith, "Julio" (1990-1991)
(Performed by Megan Gogerty and Cheryl Graeff)
6. Carolyn Space Jacobson, "Limited Capabilities" (1990-1991)
(Performed by Carolyn Space Jacobson)
7. Eric C. Johnson and Doug Steckel, "Sanford Meisner and Son" (1991-1992)
(Performed by Eric C. Johnson and Doug Steckel)
8. Greg Armknecht, "Pants" (1988-1989)
(Performed by Margaret DuBé)
9. JP Claussen, Stephanie Frey, Larry Pontius, Benjamin T. Schmidt, "Waiting for Godot to Leave" (1992-1993)
(Performed by JP Claussen, Stephanie Frey, and Larry Pontius)
10. JC Luxton, "Rex 'n' Effect" (1992-1993)
(Performed by JC Luxton)
11. Dan Gurler, "Candle" (1987-1988)
(Performed by Dan Gurler and Inger Hatlen)
12. Eric C. Johnson, "Loud in Head" (1994-1995)
(Performed by Aaron Cain, Eric C. Johnson, and Seán Judge)
13. Todd Ristau, "Rabbit" (1986-1987)
(Performed by Todd Ristau)
14. JAB (John Smick, Adam Burton, Brooks Peck), "Pen Ni Tsuite No Geki" (1995-1996)
(Performed by JAB and Rob Frisch)
15. Megan Gogerty, "Prepubescent Expression" (1995-1996)
(Performed by Megan Gogerty)
16. Margaret DuBé and Jennifer Shepard, "The Vase" (1990-1991)
(Performed by Margaret DuBé and Jennifer Shepard)
17. Peter Ullian, "Street of Dreams" (1989-1990)
(Performed by Peter Ullian)
18. Mark D. Johnson, "WOW" (1988-1989)
(Performed by Eric Pot, Jennifer Shepard, Todd Ristau, and Ashley Sovern)
19. Clint Corley and Eric Summers, "4 Tall Men" (1991-1992)
(Performed by Clint Corley, Eric C. Johnson, Brett Neveu, Doug Steckel, and Adam Whisner)
1) John Pszyk - 949
2) Greg Mitchell - What I Thought about After Running into You One Night in Econofoods.
3) Megan Gogerty - Henry the Homeless Man
4) Jason Douglas - The Joke
5) Michael Hampton and Julie Meyer - Wednesday Morning
6) Rob Frisch - ICPD
7) Todd Durkin - Warning Windex
8) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Stringbean's a Liar
9) Dan Brooks - Father Son Rememberies
10) Jason Douglas and Megan Gogerty - 4 Decades of Poetry, or Wet Snatch
1) Lichen June - Basin
2) Brooks Peck - Get Involved!
3) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Kitchen
4) Megan Gogerty - Cally Cooper is Dead
5) Greg Mitchell - A True Story
6) Kent Davison and David Smith - Five Finger Love Affair
7) Cadry Nelson - Escape
8) The Other JAB - The Toss (Jason Douglas, Brooks Peck, Adam Burton)
9) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Chewing the Hand that Feeds You
10) R. Sky Palkowitz - And Now a Message from Delusional Dave Relaying the Importancy of Taking the 'C'
11) J.C. Luxton - Stage Fright
12) Stacey Sommerfeld - You Can Never be too Careful...But You Can Still Have Sex with Me
13) Rob Frisch - I Just Don't Wanna Hafta See it
14) Ben Zolno - Benism 1
1) Sean Williams - List of the Living, List of the Dead
2) Greg Mitchell - Shield Thy Ears
3) James D. Wolf, Jr. - It's a Small World After All
4) Chad Larabee - Shining Star of Eternal Love
5) Orion Meyer - Hey Asshole
6) Stephen Perkins - Fence
7) Adam Burton and Carolyn Space Jacobson - Smokescreen (Carolyn Space Jacobson, Adam Burton)
8) James D. Wolf, Jr. - A Religious Experience
9) Chad Larabee - Boinking
10) Veronica Elisa Villa - Why I Was Seen with Scantily Clad Dancing Ladies on the Pentacrest Last Wednesday and Why You Should Never Say the Words 'Apple Juice' in Front of Me Unless You Want Me to Totally Freak out and Make Inappropriate Conversation about Making Airplane Stewards Come by Pressing a Little Button on an Airplane.
11) Ben Schmidt - Ben's Poetry
12) James D. Wolf, Jr. - Some Enchanted Evening
13) Cadry Nelson and Rob Frisch - Satan Spelled Backwards is Kermit
14) Jake Hauser - Conversation with Something Stuffed At the Java House
15) J.C. Luxton - Jees, There it is and Horniness
16) James D. Wolf, Jr. - A Review of Career Opportunities
1) O. Campbelson - Spiders II
2) Eric Burton - Clopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening (Adam Burton)
3) J.C. Luxton - Your Mother and Vermont
4) Stacey Sommerfeld - And the Breasts Shall Never Lie: A Social Commentary
5) O. Campbelson - Survival of the Fittest
6) Rob Frisch - Committed
7) O. Campbelson - Looking Down at Me
8) Cadry Nelson - Prairie Lights
9) O. Campbelson - Untitled
10) David Smith - An American in Italy at an Airport, Just Asking to Talk
11) Ben Zolno - Benism 2
12) Cadry Nelson - Appetizer?
13) Greg Mitchell - Sounds Like Romance to Me
1) John Pszyk - Beat the Blue Black into Submission (title uncertain)
2) Veronica Villa - Parade of the Cyber Sluts
3) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Me and Willie Hot Dog
4) JAB (John/Adam/Brooks) - Full Chau
5) Rob Merritt - The Dynamic Duo
6) Greg Mitchell - The Letter
7) Ben Schmidt - Ben Tries to Get into Carolyn's Pants
8) JAB, Schmidt, Deegan, - Muscle Sound
9) Eric Daniels - Landscapes and Memories
10) J.C. Luxton - Yogurt and Math, Together Again
11) Deegan, Schmidt, and Kirkoff - Baltimore
12) Eric Daniels - Landscapes and Memories Revisited
13) Megan Gogerty - Big Guy
14) Ben Schmidt and Adam Burton - So Much for Art
15) Ben Zolno - Ben-ism 3
1) Ryan M. Cherry - Pain and Lust
2) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Help Me! I'm Losing My Head!!!
3) JAB - The Shut Up Sketch
4) David Smith - Ever Since that Plumbing Accident!!
5) JAB - The What Sketch
6) Megan Gogerty - Gifts #1--The Wheat
7) Orion Meyer - To Those Two Girls Behind Me at Reclaimed!
8) James D. Wolf, Jr. - Natal Maneuvers
9) Stacey Sommerfeld - Why Life Takes Twice as Long When You are Politically Correct
10) John Smick - Recipe for Disaster, Phase I: THE CREATION
11) Margaret Baldwin - From the body part one
12) Megan Gogerty - Gifts #2--The Woman
13) J.C. Luxton, Brooks Peck, C.S. Jacobson - Comic Book
14) Margaret Baldwin - From the body part two
15) Greg Mitchell - Traumatized
16) Rob Frisch - Race
17) Ben Zolno - Ben-ism 4
1) Steve Westlake - Father Water
2) Stacey Sommerfeld - Love Giveth and Love Taketh Away
3) Mandi Lee - Body
4) Tim Gavin - No Shame scene #3472, 'Ape Boy', by Tim Gavin
5) Megan Gogerty - Uniformed
6) J.C. Luxton - from A Covenant to Run with the Land
7) Benjamin T. Schmidt - Pieces
8) JAB - The Menard's Guy
9) Rob Frisch - Family Ties
10) Stacey Sommerfeld - And Then Love Giveth Some More
11) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Corporeal Conundrums
12) Brooks Peck - Farewell
13) Megan Gogerty - Fat
14) Seth Fisher - Pet
15) Orion Meyer - Red Violent Vomit Under a Flourescent Blue Light
16) Ben Zolno - Ben-ism 5
Pre-show--Ben Schmidt on guitar, singing1) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Grappling with Charlotte Brontë - [RealAudio]
2) Cadry Nelson and Rob Frisch - Satan Spelled Backwards is Kermit
3) Veronica Villa - Discourse on the Social Advantages of Cohabitation with Potatos
4) Dan Brooks - Father Son Rememberies
5) R. Sky Palkowitz - And Now a Message from Delusional Dave Relaying the Importancy of Taking the 'C'
6) JAB - The Toss (John Smick, Brooks Peck, Adam Burton)
7) Rob Merritt - The Dynamic Duo
8) Megan Gogerty - Stub
9) Ben Schmidt and Adam Burton - So Much for Art
10) Margaret Baldwin - From the body part one
11) Patrick Deegan - About This
12) Cadry Nelson - Prairie Lights
13) John Smick - Recipe for Disaster, Phase I: THE CREATION
14) Rob Frisch - Adaptation
15) Todd Durkin - Warning Windex
16) Ben Zolno - Ben-ism 3
17) Greg Mitchell - Sounds Like Romance to Me
1) Patrick Deegan and Alicia Kirchhoff - Mexicolights: Carolyn Jacobson
2) Zach Williams and Tony Sohm - The JonBenet Murder Story
3) Marvin SMASH Wooton - I was Angry Until I Saw, Part 1
4) Megan Gogerty - Baptism
5) Stacey Sommerfeld - Why My Mommy Should Be Named Mother of the Year
6) David Smith and Mary Morgan - Tony's Family Restaurant
7) Marvin SMASH Wooton - I Was Angry Until I Saw, Part 2
8) Rob Merritt - Lost & Found
9) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Help Yourself!
10) Marvin SMASH Wooton - I Was Angry Until I Saw, Part 3
11) Dan Brooks - Scottish Linguistics Explained
12) Tim Gavin - Another Fine Day
13) Ben Schmidt - Beat Poetry
14) Giselle Anatol - Ploema Blanana
15) Veronica Villa - Trip
1) Megan Gogerty - Memolights: Carolyn Jacobson
2) Gerg Mitchell and John Ham - Cats Suck
3) Kent Lambert - 20 Ounces Fully Loaded
4) Ben Zolno - Macarena: The Last Love Song
5) Cadry Nelson - Les Mise-Rob and Cadry
6) Dan Brooks - Tangential Thoughts or Why People Hate Me, Vol. I.
7) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Philadelphia
8) Adam Burton and Carolyn Space Jacobson - I Feel Like an Ass
9) Rob Merritt - Art of the Theater
10) John Smick - Recipe for Disaster, Phase II: THE PALEOZOIC ERA
11) Orion Meyer - A Conversation with Slump Slip
12) R. Sky Palkowitz and Alan - Dis-Jointed
13) Rob Frisch - Dilemmas
1) Buzz Redbone - Dost Thou Get It?lights: Rob Frisch
2) James D. Wolf, Jr. - Don't Tell Me What Kind of Day to Have
3) Rob Merritt - Tired
4) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Just Words (aka "#1, #2, or #3")
5) Eric Curtis - The 'I Love You Man' Man!!!
6) Larry Pontius - Mighty Mighty Monsters, Scene 1
7) Kent Lambert - 'Tis a Day of Dreams
8) Rob Hahn - A Manifesto for the Liberation of the Penis
9) Marvin SMASH Wooton - Da-Do
10) Mandi Lee - In the Absence of Him
11) Larry Pontius - Mighty Mighty Monsters, Scene 2
12) Veronica Villa - Red Hot Heart
13) Don & Sarah Schroeder - Scotbonics
14) Larry Pontius - Mighty Mighty Monsters, Scene 3
15) Orion Meyer - A Day Like Any Other
16) Rob Frisch - Dilemmas Part II
1) Tim Gavin - dusty memories
2) Stacey Sommerfeld - Some Things We Remember
3) Dan Brooks - Zen Master of both Jack and Shit
4) Adam Burton and Carolyn Space Jacobson - Sasquatch and Meanie (Adam Burton, Carolyn Space Jacobson)
5) James D. Wolf, Jr. - How to Handle Telemarketers
6) Rob Frisch - Self-Control
7) Carolyn Space Jacobson - 'This Could Have Been a Masturbation Piece, If I'd Been More Motivated or Man Delights Not Me; No, Nor Woman Neither
8) Veronica Villa - Symphony #1
9) Sterling Andrews - The Hole Song
1) Mandi Lee - No Where Near Reality
2) Megan Gogerty - Hunk
3) Ben Zolno - Liars
4) Matt Goolsby - P.S.A.
5) David Smith - The Gamble Shame
6) Patrick Deegan, Sara Messle, Angelica Delgadillo - Remembering Grandma
7) Cadry Nelson - Broken
8) Ben Zolno - Ode to Pec
9) Adam Burton and Carolyn Space Jacobson - Sasquatch and Meanie, Take Two (Adam Burton, Carolyn Space Jacobson)
10) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Fresh From My Body, Straight to Your Plate!
11) Kevin Springer and Eli Hernandez - Bag
12) Adam Burton - The Secret
13) Stacey Sommerfeld - Dan Brooks Has Reduced Me to a Paranoid Schizophrenic or How to Tarnish Someone's Reputation for Life in 5 Minutes or Less
14) Megan Gogerty - The Guilt Song
15) Orion Meyer - Orion
1) Tasha Robinson - Gobbets O' Chicago
2) Stacey Sommerfeld and Tom Poole - Facts of Charlotte
3) Megan Gogerty - Genetic Echo, or I Am My Own Grandma
4) Patrick Deegan - Excerpt from a Fourteen Line Haiku
5) Mandi Lee - Food Stamps
6) Adam Burton and Ben Schmidt - Spin (Adam Burton, Ben Schmidt)
7) David Smith - Full Size
8) Dan Brooks - I Hate Jokes (Dan Brooks)
9) Megan Gogerty - Swimmer
10) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Fresh from My Body, Straight to Your Plate, Part 2: Contagion
11) Ben Schmidt - Too Good Eyes
12) Greg Mitchell - Fibula
13) Veronica Elisa Villa - Scorpio Man & Kick Ass Girl
1) Lichen June - Dear Megan
2) John Smick - The Lent Sketch
3) Mandi Lee and Veronica Villa - Oblivious
4) Eric Curtis - 'The I Love You Man' Man Continued
5) John Smick - The Call
6) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Snot Worth It
7) Sarah Schroeder - Information Road Rage
8) Rob Hahn - Religious Experience
9) Stacey Sommerfeld and Ben Zolno - It's Time?
10) John Smick - The Next Call
11) Steph Frei and Megan Gogerty - Portrait of Narcissus as a Young Flower
12) Ben Zolno - Ode to Low Pec
13) Veronica Villa - Infinite Child
14) Dan Brooks - A Half-Formed Sketch about Satan, and then a Poem
15) John Smick (with J.C. Luxton) The Lent Sketch: A New Hope--The Special Edition
16) Orion Meyer - You Ain't Know
1) James D. Wolf, Jr. - By the Time She Was My Age
2) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Monologue for a Man
3) Megan Gogerty and Ben Schmidt - Elderly Couple Makes Love in Des Moines
4) Marvin SMASH Wooton - I Got Rid of a Vice
5) James D. Wolf, Jr. - A Family Conversation
6) Carolyn Space Jacobson, Mandi Lee, JC Luxton - The Ducktape Girl Commeth
7) Ben Zolno - Pieces Related by the Kuleshov Effect or Like Carolyn if It's Good
8) Megan Gogerty and Ben Schmidt - Dumb Dillard An Dis Bird Don't Fly
9) Adam Burton - Tone
10) Ben Schmidt - Not a Blind Man / Not a Crazy Man
11) Sky Palkowitz - The Missing Toilet Chain--Cheap Advertising for Big Women/Small Plays
1) Electro Lux - Iowa: You Make Me Smile and Battle to the Death
2) Steve Westlake - A Night Out
3) Veronica Villa - Watch out for Falling Televisions
4) James D. Wolf, Jr. - The Wild World of Sports
5) Mandi Lee - Charlotte
6) Jake Houser - Blots
7) Dan Brooks - What a Day That Was or I Wrote a Character Sketch and the Character Was Me.
8) Megan Gogerty - George
9) John Smick - Call of the Wild
10) Patrick Deegan - A Song for Paula
11) Carolyn Space Jacobson - My New Ditty
12) Orion Meyer - Fever Dream
13) Rob Frisch - Tone Poem
14) J.C. Luxton - Alan Greenspan, You Can Raise My Interest Rate *Anytime*
15) Stacey Sommerfeld - PG Stands for 'Pretend I'm Gullible'
1) Kris Millering - Fugue in the Key of Y or The Reason I wasn't Home when You Called
2) Ben Schmidt - Chorus: Man and Woman
3) Steve Westlake - Untitled
4) John Smick and J.C. Luxton - Storm Warning
5) JP Claussen - Pick up Sticks
6) Patrick Deegan - Aeroplane
7) Dan Brooks - The Crack-up or I Wrote a Character Sketch and the Character Did Your Mom
8) Stacey Sommerfeld - How Would Things Be Different if . . .
9) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Loud Enough For You?
10) Tim Gavin - the in-laws
11) John Smick - To Anna
12) Rob Frisch - Work in Progress
13) JC Luxton - Yelp: For Allen Ginsberg
14) Mandi Lee - Seventeen Magazine
15) Cadry Nelson - Disney for a Buck
1) Jillian McKay - Letter From Scotland
2) John Ham - Are You On My Wavelength? or My First No-Shame Sketch
3) Mandi Lee - Press
4) Dan Brooks - State of the World, 1997 or How Things Look From Table 4 at the Hamburg Inn, April 17, 10:43 p.m.
5) Ben Zolno - Ben-ism New
6) John Ham - Wavelength Part Two or Must . . . stop . . . !
7) Cadry Nelson - Reaper
8) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Piece Talks
9) James D. Wolf, Jr. - The Road to Hell is Paved with Bad Chord Changes or Dante Covers Led Zeppelin (performed by James D. Wolf, Jr., Carolyn Space Jacobsen, Medoka, Veronica Villa, John Smick, Cadry Nelson)
10) Jillian McKay - Letter From Scotland, Part 2
11) John Ham - Wavelength Three: Electric Boogalee
12) John Smick - I'll Get It
1) Greg Mitchell - Tenure and a Lack of Sleep[NOTE: ISCAnic XI this weekend?]
2) James D. Wolf, Jr. - Gary, Indiana, my Own Hometown or Why I Got Culture Shock in Iowa (James D. Wolf, Jr., Ben Zolno, Medoka)
3) Mandi Lee and John Smick - The Mental Joust
4) James Erwin - Life in these United States
[Author's notes: Horrifying story about a group of Boy Scouts who die when lightning strikes the cave they took shelter in and ignites several thousand pounds of nitrate-laden bat shit, parodying the style of a Reader's Digest anecdote. I won't put up the script because the entire joke was contained in my roaring unrestrained laughter, which is obviously going to be lost.]5) David Smith - This is a Poem, Go with It
6) Dan Brooks - I Never Really Got Along with My Father as a Kid. I Remember When I Was Eight Years Old, He Built Me this Tree House. It Was that Day I Realized He and My Mother Were Breaking Up or How to Make Megan Read a Short Monologue
7) Veronica Villa, Mandi Lee, and Jake Houser - Too bad it's too late for Best-of or Why Veronica should have gotten into Acting 2
8) Cadry Nelson - Why My Apartment Isn't Clean
9) JC Luxton and Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Karen Kubby or A Vision in a Dream A Fragment
10) Rob Frisch - Minefields
11) Steve Westlake - A Lucid Presentation
12) Dan Brooks and Peter Franke - The Bad Scientist
13) Ben Schmidt - The Conspiracy of Nature
14) Stacey Sommerfeld - I Guess I Really Didn't Think about Tomorrow
15) Gwen Komala - Untitled
16) Megan Gogerty - My Last No Shame Piece Ever
17) Christopher Clark and Carolyn Space Jacobson - Imagine Our Tuxedos
18) no authors listed - Invasion of the Body Snatchers: The Spawning
19) The Smick and Adam Fan Club - Ode to Smick and Adam
1) Electro Lux - Iowa: You Make Me Smile and Battle to the Death
2) David Smith - Full Size
3) Megan Gogerty - Genetic Echo or I Am My Own Grandma
4) Orion Meyer - A Day Like Any Other
5) Carolyn Space Jacobson - Fresh From My Body, Straight to Your Plate!
6) John Smick - The Lent Sketch
7) Kent Lambert - 20 Ounces Fully Loaded
8) Veronica Villa - Symphony #1
9) Adam Burton and Ben Schmidt - Spin
10) Greg Mitchell - Fibula
11) Mandi Lee and Veronica Villa - Oblivious
12) Dan Brooks - What a Day That Was or I Wrote a Character Sketch and the Character Was Me.
13) Ben Zolno - Ode to Pec
14) Cadry Nelson - Why My Apartment Isn't Clean
15) Patrick Deegan - A Song for Paula
16) Ben Schmidt - Pieces
17) John Smick and JC Luxton - The Lent Sketch: A New Hope--The Special Edition
18) Megan Gogerty - George
Finale) Ben Schmidt - Jessica, Julio, Megan, M'botoh (performed by Adam Burton, Chris Clark, Megan Gogerty, and Ben Schmidt)