1 Sneeze Etiquette by Alisa Rosenthal (manners turn awkward)Announcements (some not actually made at the show):
1.5 Dave and Shelia the Skeleton in One-Night Stand by Patrick Ashcraft (post-coital discussion/fight w/skeleton)
3 Coupons for Condoms by Eric Landuyt (man seeking discount condoms is eager, broke, Hahn)
4 I'm going to Be the Best Darn Me I Can Be by Katy Baggs (alternate-dimension Katies lived her abandoned dreams, died)
5 Chocolate Bar by Danielle Santangelo (man has eaten too much candy, will do anything for more)
5.5 Eric's Plan to Impress a Girl Is Easily Thwarted by Eric Landuyt (failure to stick to a lie for more than four seconds)
6 The Names of My Friends Who Have Gonorrhea by Tim Sitzmann (frantic inventors need something to show investors)
7 A Homeless Man by Jacob Zawa (poem on homelessness, family's hardship)
8 Something Wonderful by Sean Shatto (improvised sounds in the dark)
8.5 Dinner Oh My God by Rock 'n' Roll Norris (man falls from chair)
9 Book Rush by Adam Hahn (temporary cashiers lose minds)
10 Making the Band by Evan Schenck (Evan's friends conceive musical venture poorly)
10.5 Cunnilingus Is Just Another Word for Despair by Jon Shelton (man will kill potato)
11 The Tease by Eli Wilkinson (monologue from chat room fake woman)
11.5 Where's Thad??? by Patrick Ashcraft (boys with bags over heads, where is Thad?)
12 A Special Message from the VP of Marketing at the American Fruit Company by Greg Machlin (monologue on banana enjoyment, "code orange")
1. Doctor Adventure and the Cockblocking Ninjas by Evan Schenck1. Patrick Ashcraft is the newest member of the No Shame Iowa City board. The board now comprises Patrick, Alyssa, Tim, and Adam.
2. Snakes by Alan Strait (animal control problems)
2.5 You're Watching She-Man and He-Ra by Eric Landuyt (parenting advice from Patrick Swayze)
3. The Grandeur and Riveting Tragedy of Mr. Flippy by Mirri (monologues: drowning fish and Satan)
4. Fucked Up or Gods Amongst Men? by Eli Wilkinson (stalking via Facebook)
5. A Song for Lovers: A Ballad in Six Short Verses and One Unnecessarily Long One by Alisa Rosenthal
6. Last Words by The Artist Formerly Known as King Sophie (note left by girl joining circus)
7. No Shame is Brought to You By . . . by Greg Machlin (the world's first useful perfume)
7.5 Leaving the Disease Behind by Jacob Zawa (dagger suicide)
8. An Adventure of Epic Proportions by Tim Sitzmann (Mark and Tim on a treasure hunt)
9. First Time at the Post Office by Eric Landuyt
10. Dangerous Minds 2 by Mortimer Snert (preparation for live-action Warcraft battle)
10.5 Who Hates Who? by Mirri (Mirri makes nice with Patrick)
11. and I why do I feel so sad when I get hit by my dad . . . by A dog, a top hat, an iron, a shoe, a thimble, a car, a guy on a horse rearing up, a battleship, 2 hotels, a house, and Spanielle Specter Santangelo Your Mom Rex by Jesse Blaine (Jesse reads and smokes)
12. The Viking Skit: One Year Later by Jonathan Shelton (Viking and others seek new moral)
12.5 One Way in Which I Am Like Clarence Thomas by Katy Baggs (pubes and a spit-take)
13. Outbox by Adam Hahn (conversation with computer, dictating e-mail to the DI)
14. MY SO-CALLED teenaged-LIFE by Patrick Ashcraft and Danielle Slutangelo (Patrick introduces Sheila)
14.5 A Murder Mystery by Rock 'N' Roll Norris (six mysteries in rapid succession)
15. Who's This Lot Think They Are? by Chris Okerberg (monologue: faux-British, sex, violence, candy, MySpace)
1. A Scene for Lovers: A Short Sketch Briefly Analyzing the Current Sociopolycomic State of the Post-9/11 American Dormitory Laundromat by Alisa Rosenthal is So Sad (laundry with mean boyfriend on the phone)Announcements: 1. Website: www.noshame.org
2. Antarctica by Sean Shatto (song)
3. Lady Fingers by Danielle Santangelo (monologue: lost love, freckles)
4. If Five Minutes, This Machine Will Cut You In Such a Manner as You Would Find It Hard to Believe One Could Be Cut Even in Ten Minutes by This Machine (improv on "toast")
4.5 Mom Wants a Cookie by Jake Gontero (suddenly mean mother)
5. Fast Times at Ridgement High and a Taco by Patrick Ashcraft (party scene)
6. Emo Unfolds!!! by Mirri (bag-headed girl is sad on the inside too)
7. Quasi-Serious: Two Conversations by Evan Schenk (man unites two friends)
8. The Watchman by Eli Wilkinson (monologue on children, death)
9. What Is It? by John Leigh (interview of audience member)
10. The Return of Syrup Cat by Rock 'N' Roll Norris (is a cat of syrup a good friend?)
11. Tech Support by Janani S. (Rumpelstiltskin will fix your computer)
11.5 Sneeze or Orgasm by Erin "Tenacious E. King" (both?)
12. Jake Feels Sad Today by Michael Tabor, Jamal River, and Jake Gontero (MT tells a dog story)
13. Three Things About Death by Eric Landuyt (monologue/poetry on death)
14. An experience to Remember by Jacob Zawa (dirty, dirty poem)
14.5 When You Die You Get ICE CREAM OMG!!! by Jelly Roll Morton Santangelo (feeding the dead)
15. The True Colours of Dr. Spongebob by Joe Mozena (smoking, loss of consciousness)
16. Tarzan by Adam Hahn (locked out lover poem)
17. Ave Maria/Gonorrhea by Mortimer Snert (marijuana laws, glaucoma/gonorrhea)
1. The Serial Killer Sketch by Greg Machlin (interrogation of mustard)Announcements:
2. The Laundering Room by Kery Lawson (making friends in the laundry room)
3. MOVIE CHAT: w/Danielle and Patrick by Danielle Santangelo and Patrick Ashcraft
4. Complete by Eli Wilkinson (Eli is a murderer, NOT GAY)
5. You Can't Even Spell and Yet You're My Boss by Evan Schenck (English BA hates his boss)
5.5. What the Hell Am I Doing up Here? by Nick Beatty (stand-up on being a first-timer)
6. Scene from a Play in Progress, Tentatively Titled Jonas and the Magic Leg by Matthew Benyo (love between amputee fetishist, guy who wants fewer limbs)
7. Here Is Some Advice About Baseball by Timm Sitzmann (Tabor-style monologue: Timm is good at baseball)
7.5 Snickers vs. Whatchamacallits by Flabbergasted Jakers (monologue: biased candy comparison)
8. The Photographer by ? and ? (two new guys: senior picture photo shoot)
8.5 Crocs by Luke Christensen (monologue: hatred of Crocs shoes)
9. Oak, Er . . . Burrr geh? by Chris Okerberg (monologue: talking like a kindergartener, giving up being funny)
10. Present, We Meet Again by Sarah Pipho (poem: past, future, present)
11. A Holiday to Remember by King Sophie (how to visit an aunt in Scotland)
11.5 Mind Job by Children of the Corn (Danielle gives Patrick a mind job)
12. Waiting for Godot to Get Attacked by Ninjas by Eirk Van Skanlet (attempting to write a screenplay)
13. Searching for Timm Sitzmann by Mirris and Travi (just like the title, except drunk)
14. A Fugue for Lovers by Archibald, Lily' Ghost, and Alisa Rosenthal Is So Sad Featuring the Original Broadway Cast of The Secret Garden (lip sych with puppets)
14.5 Paincake by Erin "Tenacious E" King (poem, pancake destruction)
15. Eg Bio Ao Heilsa by Rock 'n' Roll Norris (Icelandic/English monologue on studying abroad)
1. Cleaning Crew by Evan Schenck (body removal service scene)1. Website: www.noshame.org
2. I'm So Confused by Luke Christensen (stand-up)
3. Rigga the Fart Machine by Michael Tabor, Jake Gontero, Jamal River, & Alyssa Bowman
4. Something Sweet by Janani S. (Hansel and Gretel-inspired broken home scene)
5. Skeleton Alisa vs. Flesh Alisa: Final Death Match by The Newly Reunited Skeleton Alisa and Flesh Alisa (monologue: flesh loses, finds bones)
6. Come and Meet the Folks by Eli Wilkinson (bringing home a girl to meet the non-living family)
7. Greg and the Audience of No Shame Attempt to Levitate a Table by Greg Machlin (group telekinesis)
8. Miguel by King Sophie (planning to fall in love with hotdog vendor)
9. Jamal Lies About a Word by Michael Tabor, Jamal Rivers, & Jake Gontero
10. Sucks to Be You, Pluto! by Christina Gulick and Eric Landuyt (the meeting in which Pluto is fired)
11. This Week in Canada by Nick Beatty (stand-up)
12. Yogurt Sucks by Stevi Gaul (comparing yogurt to other good things)
13. Metaphorskin by Mortimer Snert (love derailed by turkey baster penis)
14. Seven Pieces in Five Minutes or Less, I Promise by Adam Hahn (sex, meat, wire hanger)
15. He's Just Misunderstood by Katy Baggs (Bowser is not a rapist)
1. We Are Worrywarts! by The Worrywart Gang 2. Emily Is 9. Adam is 7, and They Are in the Back of the Hahn Family Van by Adam Hahn
3. The Dog Can't Fly by Eric Landuyt
4. The Question by Eli Wilkinson (Jonathan and Alyssa filling in because Eli and his script weren't there yet, actual piece performed later)
5. Coffee In the Green Room: Based on a True Story by Greg Machlin
6. I MIND! by Alyssa Bowman
7. Beyond All Doubt by Stuart and Tim
8. This Advice Is Free by Evan Schenck
9. A Poem About Sniffling by Sean Shatto
10. An Argument by Rock 'N' Roll Norris
11. Rigga the Fart Machine II: The Wrath of Hahn by Michael Tabor
12. Tooth'n Paste by Mirri
13. Bleat Blox by Alyssa Rosenthal
14. Hopa-my-pock-ama by Joake Gontero
15. What's My Deal? by Timm Sitzmann
16. I'm Not a Camper by Cory Haight
17. Colgate Manna Casio by Jon Shelton
18. Evan Eats a Turd by Michael Tabor, Jamal River, Jake Gontero, and Some Homeless Guy
19. Point-Five: One Size Fits All by Evan Schenck
20. Hold On, I've Got to Take This by Nick Beatty
21. An Introduction by Rock 'N' Roll Norris
22. Bubble Gum Yuppies & Hardcore Puppies by Danielle Santangelo
23. A Quick Game of Call of Cthulu" by Jonathan Shelton
24. One Minute Rant: Lesson Learned My First Year at No Shame by Adam Hahn
25. Daybroken Dream by Eric Landuyt
26. A Song: Payday by Stuart & Tim
27. Pizza Meatza by Alyssa Bowman
28. We Are Still Worrywarts! by The Worrywart Gang
Mark your calendars for this October 9-14. No Shame Iowa City will host a week-long celebration in space provided by the University of Iowa Theatre Department. Current and former writers, performers, and audience members from any of No Shame's branches (as well as people who have never heard of No Shame, if you'll come) are invited to participate in five 11 PM No Shames, as much bonding, cross-pollination, and drinking as we can fit around the shows, and a special Best Of Best Of No Shame (BOBONS 2006) Saturday night at 8 PM.
Prepare to quit your job, separate from your spouse, or do whatever it takes to put yourself in Iowa City this fall. Which scripts (new? old? revised?) will you bring? Which outstanding performers or particular pieces deserve nominations for BOBONS?
0. No Shame Theatre Song by Jonathan Price (performed by Jeff Goode & Janani [piano])
1. I Am God by Todd Wm. Ristau
2. Drunk Dial by Eric Landuyt
3. True Confessions of a 1st Grade Nothing by Christina Gulick
3.5 October 2nd, 2005 by Timm Sitzmann
4. Dear Left Leg by Matt Benyo
5. The Shooting at Ray's Quik-Mart by Dwayne Yancey
6. Marianne or: How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Adam Hahn
7. Fall 2005, Going to Hell by Eli Wilkinson
7.5 An Observation by Patrick Ashcraft
8. The Skate Club by Blake Lipscomb
9. Monogamy by Janani S.
10. Love & Buses by Timm Sitzmann
10.5 Legless Cheetah by Shannon McCormick
11. The Wm. S. Burroughs Puppet Show by Lee Moyer
12. Facial Bases for the Alligators by Jeff Goode
13. Regrets by Brian E. Rochlin
0. No Shame Theatre Song (Week Without Shame version) by Jonathan Price & Jeff Goode (performed by Jeff Goode & Janani [piano])
1. Anachronism by The Dread pirate Schenck
1.5 Tonight 10:00 -> 10:20 by Eli Wilkinson
2. Business! Internet! Business! by Timm Sitzmann
3. Alone with a Zither by Sean Shatto
4. Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na Stuffing! by Adam Hahn
4.5 An Attempt to Do as Dan Brooks Suggested and 'Cut All the Fat' Out of My Writing, Tossing Aside the Dead Weight, Jettisoning the Redundant Repetition, the Superfluous Sentence, the Extra Example, In Favor of a Leaner, Less-Gristled Monologue, As Performed by Adam Burton -- Thanks to Dan for the Inspiration and to My Mother for Her Love and Support. Peace. Out. by Chris "Succinct Is Now My Middle Name, Thanks to Dan" Okiishi
5. Have It Your Way . . . Bitches by Mortimer Snert
6. Failure to Communicate by Eric Landuyt
7. The Dating Game by Patrick Ashcraft
8. Foley Press Conference by Jeff Goode
9. Alien Love Baby by Brian E. Rochlin
9.5 Spider!! by Spider the No Shame Spider
10. Book Smarts by Janani
11. The Haunting of Pants Manor by Janani
11.5 Legless Cheetah by Shannon McCormick
12. Five More Minutes by Danielle Santangelo
13. You're Watching She-Man and He-Ra by Eric Landuyt
14. Rabbit by Todd Wm. Ristau
0. No Shame Theatre Song by Jonathan Price (performed by Christina Gulick, Greg Machlin & Janani [piano], with Eric Landuyt & Eli Wilkinson [interpretation])
1. The Return to Pants Manor II: The Hauntening by Jonathan Shelton
1.5 Phone Phuck Phat Phish by Mortimer Snert
2. Alas! by Patrick Ashcraft
3. I Just Takes Some Time by Alyssa Russell
4. Bluehair Fury by Adam Burton
5. Bernard and Kathy by Bobby Evers
6. Shaving by Brian E. Rochlin
6.5 The Fosbury Flop as Performed by Janani in the Gymnasium of the Cheldelin Middle School, Corvallis, Oregon, 97330, Circa 1996, With Meticulous Attention to Period Detail by Janani
7. Charades by Steven Rosenthal
8. The Raven: A Complaint by Vodka von Stroheim
9. See-Through Mask by Danielle Santangelo
10. Jonas and the Leg by Matthew Benyo
11. Message of Love by Christina Gulick
12. Listening to The Voices #2 by Todd Ristau
13. Deep Blue Sea and Danny by Adam Hahn
14. Buteonine by Jeff Goode
15. The Tragic Tale of Haystack Calhoun and Dirty Slug McGee by Eric Landuyt
15.5 Legless Cheetah by Shannon McCormick
0. No Shame Theatre Song (Iowa Is Fucking Cold version) by Jonathan Price, Mike Rothschild & Brian Rochlin (performed by Mike Rothschild & Janani [piano])
1. Movie Reviews with Mike & Jeff: "The Passion of the Christ" by Jeff Goode
2. The Big Bang Theory by Mirri
2.5 must Have Beards by Eric Landuyt
3. A Letter to Timm's Winter Hat by Janani
4. Pants Manor: Requiem Saga by Jonathan Shelton
5. Tennessee by Amy Jordan
6. The Gate Is Golden, The Fall So Blue by Brian E. Rochlin
6.5 Legless Cheetah by Shannon McCormick
7. Knitting by Mike Rothschild
8. Chiller Cinema by Patrick Ashcraft
9. We Are Anarchists by Eli Wilkinson
10. From Just Another Stephen Hiro Album 'Wingfield' by Stephen Hiro
11. Porky Fetus by Matthew Benyo
12. Pieces of the Unspeakables by Katy Baggs
14. The Green Man by Todd Ristau
15. Workaday #1: Ham Sandwich! by Adam Hahn
16. Chicken Little II by Frank Albrecht
16.5 Shopping by Janani
0. No Shame Theatre Song (Gothic Horror version) by Jonathan Price & Lydia Crowe (performed by Lydia Crowe & Janani [piano])
1. Happy 20th Birthday No Shame by Scott Stevens
2. A Letter from Paul by Paul Rust
3. Legless Cheetah by Shannonn McCormick
4. A Poem for Mom by Danielle Santangelo
5. Vetriloquism! by Michael Tabor
6. Little Dante Goes to Hell by Mirri
7. A Song for My Parents by Scott Smith
8. Movie Reviews with Mike & Jeff: "Infamous" by Mike Rothschild
9. The Procreative Adventures of Jim, the Laser Wart Removal Repair Technician by Jesse Wozniak
10. 1015/Go Away: A Song of Music for You by Angry Lemon
11. D.C. al Coda by Timm Sitzmann
12. Consider Me Retarded by Jake Gontero
13. Hilary by Megan Gogerty
14. How to Approach a Girl by Christina Gulick
15. A Letter from Chris by Chris Stangl
16. Adventures in Alliteration by Eric Landuyt
17. Psychic Cat by Brian E. Rochlin
18. Poor Asshole by King Toad
19. Cardinal Point Prose Poem by Laura Tuggle Anderson
(Laura Tuggle Anderson, Megan Gogerty, Amy Jordan)
20. Apology by Arlen Lawson
21. Brett Deckers: Highly Excellent by Dan Brooks as performed by Adam Burton
0) No Shame Theatre Song (BOBONS version) by Jonathan Price (LA, 2002), with new lyrics by Jeff Goode, Brian E. Rochlin & Mike Rothschild
The order read by everyone who's every hosted No Shame anywhere ever. So fast.
1) The Hilarious Mexico Sketch by James Erwin (IC, 2002)
2) Freudian Camisole by Carolyn Space Jacobson (IC, 1996)
3) I Love Almost Everybody...Except Roy Orbitson or Mike's Done It Again: Death Count: 38 by Michael Tabor (IC, 2002)
4) The Harrowing Adventures and Narrow Escapes of Nick Price, Photobooth Detective by John Smick, Brooks Peck & Josh Peskay (IC, 1995)
5) $80 a Week by Todd Ristau (IC, 1990)
6) Imitation of Art by Luke Pingel (Cedar Falls, 2003)
7) Seven Minutes in Heaven by Patrick Ashcraft (IC, 2005)
8) Ay Papi! by Joanne Butcher & The Miami No Shame Players (Miami, 1994)
9) A Hilarious Prank by Lilly Richard (Yes Shame, 2006)
10) Bones by King Toad (IC, 2001)
11) Hand in Hand by Laura Tuggle Anderson (Roanoke, 2006)
12) Prepubescent Expression by Megan Gogerty (IC, 1995-1996)
14) Julio by Scott Smith (IC, 1990-91)
15) Workaday #5: Fart Machine by Adam Hahn (IC, 2004)
16) Waiting for Godot to Leave by Larry Pontius, Ben Schmidt, Stephanie Frey & JP Clausen (IC, 1992-1993)
17) Separate the Man From His Head by Mike Rothschild (LA, 2002)
18) All By Myself by Brian Rochlin (LA, 2002)
19) It's Fun to Trick When the Tricks Are Treats by Katy Baggs (IC, 2006)
20) Best of Actual Questions from a Sex-Ed Website with Hilarious Answers by Aprille Clarke (IC, 2004-2005)
21) Mariachi Nightmare by Al Angel (IC, 2003)
22) Tea Bags are about 100% THC by Alyssa Bowman (IC, 2002)
23) Faithless: A Reaction to Neil LaBute's 'A Gaggle of Saints' by Chris Okiishi (IC, 2000)
24) This is every piece I've ever written by Jeff Goode (1986-2006)
1. I'm Your Anaesthesiologist by Brian Lenth
2. How I Had to Tell You by Alan Strait
3. I Fought the Law and the Law Won...I Think by Nick Beatty
4. Restaurant Lies by Mirri
5. A Man Farts and Dies of Embarassment by Michael Tabor
6. The Dog Thing by Carolyn Space Jacobson
7. Warehouse by Craig Rempfer
8. Stiles by Danielle Santangelo
9. A Man of Wealth and Taste by Evan Schenck
10. Uncle's Death by Luke Christensen
11. A Picnic by Janani
11.5 There's More to Love than Making It by Timm Sitzmann
12. Silly Rabbit, Abortion is for Babies by Erin King
13. The News by Arlen Lawson
14. Can't Sleep by Francis-rhymes-with-hay-rant-Arant
15. Bus Stop by Christina Gulick
1. The Steel Elephant by Janani (1989)
2. This Cake Is Not for You by Evan Schenck
3. Untitled: Spooky Halloween Story About This Thing That Actually Happened to Me One Time by King Sophie
4. Miser by Sean Shatto
5. I Got a Short Story Published Over the Summer and This Is How I Chose to Inform You All by Mirri
6. Improvised Concerto #2 1/2 for Pop Bottle by Eric Jesteadt
7. The Wrath of Resnet by Katy Baggs
8. Scenes from Adulthood: Part I by Bobby Evers
9. Olivia Newton-John by Look at Me! I'm Michael Tabor! [Eric Landuyt]
10. The Man Has Farted and Died of Embarrassment by Michael Tabor
11. Stiff Upper Lip by Lydia Crowe
12. Strip Poker by Jamal River
13. Alisa's Scare-a-thon Slime-a-thon Soul-Slutting-it-up-a-thon with Spook-tacular Savings! by A-Boo!-sa Scream!-enthal
14. A True Story About Race Relations in America by Adam Hahn
15. More Like Barely by Rock 'N' Roll Norris
1. Tossed, Part One by Greg Machlin
2. This Chair is Empty by Nick Beatty
3. Sad Song by Sad Sophie
4. Chain Mail by Luke Christensen
5. Adam Hahn Is My Baby's Daddy by Give Me Money for My Abortion Damn It (Eli Wilkinson)
6. Four Poems About Insects by Eric Landuyt
7. A Whole Lotta Meat by Michael Tabor
8. A Letter to My Mother by Lara Shema
9. Hide and Seek by Janani
10. The Confession of Jacob Weinberg by Jonathan Shelton
11. The Curse of Reincarnation by Arlen Lawson
12. Hooch 'N' Pooch by Mortimer Snert
13. When Music Majors Go to Hell by Eric Jesteadt
14. I Left by Stephanie Nicole
15. Please Get Our of the Way by Jamal River
16. What I Did for My Summer Vacation by Johnny Kirchner by Timm Sitzmann
17. Kisses of Sale, by the Wishing Well by Lord Benington and His Theatre Troupe
1. Journey to the Center of the Earth by the Michael Tabors
2. Negative Taste by Tim Busse
3. Disgruntled Voters Flock to the Polls in Record Numbers by Emily Meyer
4. Smoke by Adam Hahn
5. I'll Have Something Better Next Time! by Nick Beatty
6. Nine True Things About Russia and One Half-Lie That You Will Find Hard to Forget by Mirri
6.5 I Am Indeed, A Ninja! by Eric Jesteadt
7. The Revenge of Andrew by Andrew Daniels
8. I Will End You by Eli Wilkinson
9. What It Is, Motherfucker! or Moth Perfume by Sean Shatto
10. Happy Halloween by Evan Schenck
11. Dear Dad by Stephanie Nicole Sedivec
12. The Attic by Janani
13. Stand Up Comedy by Joel Frey
14. Invisible Girl by Mystery Norris, ChlamydiaQueen66, and Icy, Spicy Leoncie
15. Clever by Eric Landuyt
16. Gender Issues: Featuring 2 Guys with Tobacco Pipes by 2 guys with Tobacco Pipes
17. I Want a Life by Arlen Lawson
1. From the Earth to the Moon by the Michael Tabors
2. All Memories Are Painful by Arlen Lawson
3. La Vie, L'Amour by Edith Piaf Featuring Katy Baggs, La Fille Qui Est Awesome et Sexy
4. What a Difference a Gay Makes by Chris Okiishi
5. Thoughts on the Recent Election by Greg Machlin
6. Theory for an Afterlife by John Smick
7. I Can't Believe It's Not a Butterfly! by Janani
8. Rock & Roll by Nick Beatty
9. I've Always Wanted to Be Dean Martin by Sarah Neilson
10. Gender Issues, Nov. 17, 2006 by 2 Guys Smoking Pipes
11. Do Not Wash!!! by Christina Gulick
12. Frosting Community by Katarah Udarro
13. A Deep Intellectual Monologue About My Feelings by Eli Wilkinson
14. Phineas by Megan Gogerty
15. Tragically Unhip by Eric Landuyt
15.16 Mellow Misogyny by Adam Hahn
15.17 An Awkward Moment in the Life of Shelton by John Shelton
15.18 Fingertips Choreographed by Timm
15.19 Avenue B by Mirri and Gogol Bordello
15.20 Sasquatch and Meanie Cut the Cheese by Adam Burton and Carolyn Jacobson
15.21 The Night Has a Thousand Poopholes by Danielle Santangelo
1. Pine by Janani (Christmas tree loves new family)
2. A Ukelele Song That Is a Pretty Good Song by Brian Lenth
3. Why Does My Dog Still Have a Scrotum? by Marie Arcand (monologue: sexual revolution, castration)
4. An Old Adage Proved by Jon Shelton (barrel of monkeys disappoints)
5. Once Upon a Time by Katie Lawson (fast food employment, fairy tale prose)
6. Press/Slash/Float by Greg Machlin (elephant girl, guy on coke, guy on X)
7. Yoko Latte Kudasai by Danielle Santangelo Is Still Here (performance art with clothing cutting)
8. Give Me a Ride by Evan Schenck (Eli needs fish sticks, gun)
9. Around The World in 80 Days by The Michael Tabors (noise)
10. Urinals and Breakfast Cereal by Nick Beatty (stand-up: rest-rooms, terror alert level)
11. Ave Maria by Mirri (monologue: dessert, Aztec sacrifice, prostitution)
12. An Honest Assessment of My No Shame Career by Eric Landuyt (monologue by a daring failure)
13. Listen Up Assholes by Timm (monologue against sandwiches)
14. I Wish I Had a Cool Pen Name by Luke "Plain Name" Christensen (Luke's body, its parts lobby against dating)
15. No Shame Issues, Featuring 2 Guys with Tobacco Pipes by 2 Guys with Tobacco Pipes
16. The Ashcrafts: An American Dream by Whacko Benyo and Papa Ashcraft (Jackson 5 VH1 movie parody)
1. A Deep Intellectual Monologue About My Feelings by Eli Wilkinson
2. Sucks to Be You, Pluto! by Christina Gulick and Eric Landuyt
3. Sad Song by Sad Sophie
4. This Cake Is Not for You by Evan Schenck
5. Rigga the Fart Machine by Michael Tabor, Jake Gontero, Jamal River, & Alyssa Bowman
5.5 One Way in Which I Am Like Clarence Thomas by Katy Baggs
6. Bubble Gum Yuppies & Hardcore Puppies by Danielle Santangelo
7. Stiff Upper Lip by Lydia Crowe
8. I Want a Life by Arlen Lawson
9. Have It Your Way . . . Bitches by Mortimer Snert
10. Nine True Things About Russia and One Half-Lie That You Will Find Hard to Forget by Mirri
11. Tarzan by Adam Hahn
11.5 Hopa-my-pock-ama by Joake Gontero
12. Paincake by Erin "Tenacious E" King
13. I Can't Believe It's Not a Butterfly! by Janani
14. Eg Bio Ao Heilsa by Rock 'n' Roll Norris
14.5 I MIND! by Alyssa Bowman
15. Kisses of Sale, by the Wishing Well by Lord Benington and His Theatre Troupe
16. What I Did for My Summer Vacation by Johnny Kirchner by Timm Sitzmann
17. Sasquatch and Meanie Cut the Cheese by Adam Burton and Carolyn Jacobson