Times are included because they're written on the order. This is not a value judgement.
1. Jeffrey Lee Clothier - The Realm of Possibility (5:00)
2. Jamal River - Can You Get It All Done, Paul? (5:00)
3. Brad Hansen - INEPTATION (PLOH!) (6:42)
4. Sarah Neilson - No Splinters (2:29)
4.5. Edgar Winters - A Love Poem for a Forgotten Friend (0:45)
5. Stephanie Levy - Drawing (2:49)
6. Matt Hart - A Birthday Wish (1:36)
6.Paul. Paul Rust - Phone Call (14:03)
7. Arlen Lawson - We Burn Our Dead an autobiography (2:46)
8. Michael Tabor - Mackadocious Michael Tabor (3:40)
9. Skelonious Bop - Skelonious Bop (2:27)
10. Jason Nebergall - Harmony & Counterpoint (1:17)
11. White Cat & Math Teacher - I'm Going to Eat that Watermelon (3:00)
12. Cool Jesse "the the the" Blaine - Converse, Concave or The Movie's Not Over Yet (1:28)
13. Cassie Gonzalez - Tennessee Waltz (1:50)
14. Aprille Clarke - Good Morning, Caterpillar (5:45)
15. Chris Stangl - Storm Gathering (6:49)
Announcements/ Order: River, Stangl, Rust (8:34)1) Jamal River, Based on the short story by Arlen Lawson - Hhhhh
[Men hum. Audience hums; aural experience.]
(River, Rust, Angel, Lawson, Harris, Tabor.) (2:12)2) Sarah Neilson - Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
[The pleasures of mild hallucinogens lay bear strange desires in 19th century France; dramatic scene.]
2.5) Matthew Hart! - Pizza Challenge!
(Santangelo, Stangl.) (4:45)
[Matt fails the Pizza Challenge by not eating a cold burrito; comedy sketch.]
3) the Dead Columbia People [Horak] - The Columbia Disaster
(Hart, Nebergall.) (2:00)
[James has to guess what word Jamal's thinking of or he gets flicked in the skull. Repeatedly; comedy sketch.]
4) Cassie Gonzales - Solution
(River, Horak.) (2:27)
[These problems in the world: they will be solved by making the world like Iowa; comedia poetica.]
4.5) Drake Iowa [Nick Clark] - A Poem for Gloria
(Gonzales, Tabor.) (2:16)
[Nick's fourth grade love poem rhymes in startling ways; love poem.]
5) Danielle Santangelo - A Tiny Taste of Death
(Tabor.) (0:43)
[Fetishist serial killer cuts and murders. Sexual trauma reverberates throughout; multi-character dramatic monologue.]
6) Thayne Farrier - Gente de la Palabra
(Santangelo.) (8:15)
[Beat poet poems about how he likes to make poems; poetic comedic monologue.]
6.5) Al Angel - What if Mel Brooks was Jewish? I think it would go a little something... a-like this
(Farrier.) (3:52)
[Is the Holocaust an inept metaphor for heartbreak. No it is not.; comedy sketch.]
7) Bobby Evers - untitled
(Stangl, Lawson.) (0:55)
[Dramatic abstractist monologue.]
7.5) Ninian Domore - Freezing my Ass Off
(Evers.) (1:30)
[Sadly, a girl's ass came off from freezing; haiku.]
8) Michael Tabor - Real Slow in the Car
(Santangelo.) (0:50)
[Michael likes to drive real slow in the car and get a foot put on him; a capella song.] (2:30)
9) Cool Jesse [Blaine] - Revelations of a Douche Bag
[Nobody believes a man is dying of hypochondria. But! What are you gonna do without him, world?; comedy sketch.]
9.5) Absolute Destiny Apocalypse - Stalker Blues
(Blaine, Gonzales.) (3:45)
[There is, perhaps, erotic potential in being stalked. Yes.; comedy sketch.] (0:39)
10) Jason Nebergall - The Journals of Jason Nebergall: 1996 - 2000
[14 year old Nebergall is angry at Dad, driving test, Didion, girl with cleft palate, Matt Hart, many more!; historical document reading.]
Another 10) Michael Dhar - Pumpkinship
(Nebergall.) (10:35)
[Boy tests "awesome" pumpkin against harsh, derisive critics; comedy sketch.]
11) Arlen Lawson - With Friends like These a parody
(Rust, River, Evers ...more?!) (4:28)
[Arlen Lawson makes people sad with universal truths, but Chris Stangl makes them happy with irrelevant indulgence. Who will win? Yin or yang? Yang; comedy sketch.]
12) Bradley Harris - it goes
(Lawson, Stangl, River, Rust, Clark.) (6:17)
[Brad filmed the closed Dairy Queen, bicycles and a squirrel; short film.] (3:14)
13) Paul Rust - A Masterpiece
[Paul and Artist combat ignorance by doing violence to art, faith with scissors and No Shame political monologues. They are humbled by girl's simple spiritual reawakening in art museum; triple intertwined dramatic monologues!]
14) Andy Schroeder, Jason Nebergall, Matt Hart and Michael Tabor - CLETUS
(Thompson, Rust, Stangl.) (10:43)
[Freshly aborted fetus named for war hero, then eaten by Matt Hart, who triumphs in the Fetus Challenge!; comedy sketch.]
15) Chris Stangl - Gorillas Down on the Farm; a Valentine's Day Allegory
(Horak, Gonzales, Tabor, Nebergall, Hart.) (7:30)
[Paul bought Cassie a box of candy, but her weird dad smears it on his own face. They learn a lesson about responsibility and nature (?); comedy sketch.]
(Stangl, Rust, Gonzales.) (7:00)
I've posted the order in how it was randomly drawn. I maybe incorrect. Make revisions as you see fit. Same goes with unknown performers.---Paul
1. Jon "Der Fuhrer" Grace and Cool Jesse - Come On, Jesus
(Jesus woos "The Man" to make love; comedy sketch; Danielle Kovalick, Chris LaVoie, Paul Rust)
1.5. The Lyrical Gangster - Matter Daddies... Fuck's That?
(Father chats with son about his first semester at college, shares his own memories; comedic scene; Danny Wolf, Bobby Evers)
2. Skelonious Bop - Marines and Other Veterans Engaging Outrageous Un-American Traitors
(Keyboard-accompanied rap/beat poem about President Bush's mishandling of the Iraqi debacle; song; Nick Clark, Al Angel)
3. Arlen Lawson - Chinese or Pizza? A Tale of the Mulatto
(Narrator's father and his feats of strength/violence; monologue; Arlen Lawson)
4. Kurt Meyermann - Philmont Chronicles: Volume Two, Don't You Dare Give Me the Bird
(re-creation of famed monologue through robotic voice, Pac-Man music, and dance; performance art; Steve Heuertz, Chris Lavoie)
5. Cassie Gonzales - Lips and Loins
(characters reflect on dead iguanas and resurrection; two intertwined monologues; Cassie Gonzales, Arlen Lawson)
5.5 The Nuge - I've Got a Stranglehold Baby, And Then I Crush Your Face
(stage version of beloved Ted Nugent classic; pantomime; Jake Livermore, Brian Kessler)
6. James "Valentine's Day, not Venereal Disease" Horak "you retards" - Pathos or Pathetic? A V.D. Sketch
(James reflects on his loneleiness, decides to perform a comedy sketch to ease his pain... or does it?; a V.D. sketch; James Horak, Al Angel)
7. White Cat and Math Teacher - The Lamposts Are Mine
(Dracula enters gamer boy's bedroom, they dance; musical comedy piece; Michele Thompson, William Callahan)
8. Al Angel - A Valentine's Day Vagina: A Vagina in 5 Acts
(characters reflect on failed relationship, ponder if partner remembers; a vagina in 5 acts; Al Angel, Michele Thompson, Danielle Kovalick, Cassie Gonzales)
9. Sarah Neilson - A Valentine for Lucifer
(down on her knees, character speaks of desire for the beast; monologue valentine; Sarah Neilson)
10. Danielle Santangelo - The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
(mother is fooled by her family to think she has amnesia; seriocomic scene; Danielle Kovalick, Michele Thompson, Chris LaVoie, Cassie Gonzales, Michael Tabor, Paul Rust, Toni Wilson, Amanda Hopper)
11. King Toad - Down with the Ship
(unsatisfied man finds solace underwater; song; Jamal River)
12. Paul Rust - Wrote Yr. Name on a Wall
(modes of communication creating/destroying relationships; song; Paul Rust, Adam Pash, Ellen Flaherty)
13. Michael Tabor - Michael Tabor Wants to Have Sexy Fun with All the Ladies
(Tabor attempts to convince all female audience members to engage in sexual intercouse with him "back at his place"; persuasive comedy; Michael Tabor, Danielle Kovalick)
14. Roger and Glenn Lyons - Passions
(two lovers discuss test results, dance and laugh, then go to bed; comedy sketch; Steve Heuertz, Paul Rust)
14.5 Absolute Destiny Apocalypse - It's Not My Heart That Bleeds for You
(food and blood are confused; blackout gag; Absolute Destiny Apocalypse)
15. Chris Stangl - Trashed!: Because It's Jamal's Birthday!
(Jamal gets trashed because it's his birthday, confronts lady boss and audience member; comedic monologue; Jamal River, Steve Heuertz, volunteer Michael Tabor)
15.5 Bobby Evers - Confession
(character describes situations of devotion for girl; comedy scene; Bobby Evers, Danielle Kovalick)
Hello. I just wanted to remind the City of Iowa City that last Friday's No Shame will be on TV: Tuesday at 11pm. Cable Channel 18. There were only 27 people in the audience (+performers, so the rest of you should take a "peek" at what you "missed". ---Jamal
Announcements/ Order: Clarke, River, Rust, Stangl
1) Audrey Plumshower III - Nursery Rhymes for the Bereaved
(New neighbor welcomed/ taunted with vulgar couplets/ anal sex. River, Rust, Stangl; comedy sketch.)
2) Brad Hansen - The Priest & the Condoms
(The priest at health clinic scares off customers so he can steal the free condoms. Hansen, Nebergall; comedy sketch.)
2.5) Seth Brenneman - Post-Coital Nazi Germany
(Tabor yells "ORDER!", Seth demands "chicken nuggies!" Brenneman, Tabor; comedy sketch.)
3) Paul Rust - Pillowcase
(Japanese brothers play acoustic rock number about suicidal friend. Performed by The Yakamishiis (River, Rust); rock song.)
4) Cassie Gonzales - Chocolate Cake
(Shaggy dog story of sisters going to grocery store, seeing fat lesbians on wheelchair, old Mexican selling tamales. Gonzales, Nebergall; comic monologue.)
5) Skelonious Bop - Police State Line
(Al beatboxes, Nick raps about your legal rights in police encounters. Angel, Clark; rap song.)
5.5) Pookman - How Little Tommy Deegan Lost his Virginity
(These guys use a confessional to find out who in the congregation are "loose women." Juhl, Erwin, ? others; Found joke reenactment.)
6) Thayne Farrier - Poetry for Christianity
(This beat poet totally thinks Christianity is a sham for hypocrites. Farrier; poem.)
7) the NGS Experience featuring the E Funk All-Stars - After the Night
(Binge drinking leads to vomiting, humiliation, shame, for alcoholic and those around him. In poem form. ?!; anti-drinking poem/ scene.)
7.ArlenHeRocksMyUte) Arlen Lawson - Theodorus
(Weird kid eats a fish raw but it turns out he has a genius IQ. Is it sad or good? His soul is highly developed, for he knows joy. Lawson; monologue.)
8) Dick Roberts - Personal Foul
(This football guy is talking on the phone and a lot of football terms sound like sexual acts. Roberts; comic monologue.)
8.5) Michael Tabor - That Man Is Fat
(Tabor is much amused by previous performer's morbid obesity. Tabor; comic monologue.)
9) Jamal River - That Funny Old Grandpappy
(The apathetic hipster assholes of the world one by one realize that their nihilism is best resolved by killing theyselfs. They do, to everyone's delight! Rust, Lawson, River, Stangl; political comedy sketch.)
10) Jason Nebergall - This Skit Got Hips!
(Some ladies say stereotypical lady things, but it makes a valid point about women's roles in our society. Clarke + volunteers; comedy sketch.)
11) Howard Zimmerle - Stop Being Such A Baby
(These two fetuses: one wants to get born, and the other doesn't, even though he's been sneaking out of the womb for fun. Zimmerle, Wozniak; comedy sketch.)
12) James Erwin - Jesus Christ, Boy Detective
(Jesus Christ solves small-town mysteries, wards off lynch mob. Erwin, Stangl, Rust, mob; comedy sketch)
13) Paul Rust - Joan and Greg Are in the Hospital
(This guy keeps hurting himself so he can talk to an ER attendant he has a crush on. When she rejects him, he mutilates her. Rust, Clarke; seriocomic scene.)
14) Aprille Clarke - Black History Month: Putting the Diggity Back in Dignity
(Aprille is overcome by the novelty of meeting a black man. That man is Jamal. Clarke, River; race-relations comedy sketch)
15) Chris Stangl - In the Velvet Darkness
(Chris used to like The Rocky Horror Picture Show too much, then it broke his soul, so he does No Shame Theatre. Stangl; comic autobiographical monologue.)
Order/ Announcements: Rust, River, Clarke, Stangl
1) Brad Hansen - Special Delivery
(When the new Cosmo arrives, is it for jacking off... or the perfume ads? Hansen, ?; comedy sketch.)
2) Matt Hart - Shock Boyz
(Matt and the Pun-isher delight the audience, who are vocally, repeatedly shocked. Hart, Nebergall, Tabor?, Angel; comedy sketch.)
2.5) White Cat and Math Teacher - William Shows MT a Car
(William's turbo-engine car doesn't take bumps too well! Thompson, Callahan; comedy sketch.)
3) Stephanie Levy - And and
(Impassioned sex monologue inevitably involves tearing, cutting and bleeding! Levy, LaVoie; impassioned sexo monologueo)
4) James Horak - Let's have a Nightmare Together!
(A man has recurring nightmare of burning red eyes. He once threatened his son with a knife. We are stranded there with him. Horak, Rust, Stangl; spooker monologue.)
4... a second #4) Mammal Hives and Jose Raywire - The Party Skit or: Friday Night Jam!
(Recently unearthed savage parody of Mandi Lee is hopelessly late, but ends with genital exposure, poop. River, Rust, Stangl, Clarke? Others?; comedy sketch.)
5) Naomi Nordine - Statesville 1924
(Leopold and Loeb murder spawns poetry both dark and cryptic! Nordine; poetic reading.)
6) angry lemon - Mariachi Nightmare
(It's a yelling and clapping song about keeping it real! Angel, Horak, River, audience; scary rock song.)
7) Emily Yoshida - Best Friends Trilogy Part One: the Best Asparagus I Ever Ate
(Emily has to write a novel about asparaguses, but never ate them. Her street smart friend provides the lurid details! Yoshida, Sullivan; comedy sketch.)
The Real #7!) Arlen Lawson - Sexual Fantasies about your Girlfriend
(In fantasies increasingly poetic, cosmic and simultaneously increasingly creepy, he masturbated thinking about all our girlfriends. ALL our girlfriends. Lawson; comic masturbation monologue.)
8) Michael Tabor - David
(Small boy is devoted to his teddy bear. Bear and boy are tormented by brother and mother with drop-kicking and keep-away. Callahan, Tabor, Gonzales.)
9) Sarah Neilson - Lay Bare Strange Desires
(Absinthe addict troubled by incestuous longing for young nephew. Intense visions of sexual turmoil are made manifest. Lawson, LaVoie; scene dramatique erotique.)
9.5) Brad Hansen - LOOK, I'M A MIME!
(Brad's inept miming is lacking the magic ingredient: makeup! Tabor, Hansen, comedy skit.)
10) Cassie Gonzales - Carla
(What goes through a woman's head when she is shot by a nail-gun? Graphic but poetic descriptions of being shot by a nail gun. Gonzales, Bowman; seriocomic monologue.)
10... 10... there's TWO #10's!) Rev. Chris Stangl - Political Satire Rides a Red Horse and Carries a Burning Sword
(Chris and Arlen take a lot of drugs, wash the car, and road trip to DC to graphically mutilate and commit "the forcible mouth-rape of George W. Bush." Stangl; gonzo comic horror monologue.)
11) Jason Nebergall and Denise Dooley - Our One Year Anniversary
(Jason is mysteriously torn between slavish devotion to his special lady, and wanting to fuck other girls. Nebergall; comedic-romantic monologue.)
11... a second 11) Aprille Clarke - Backyard Burial (This IS a Euphemism for Anal Sex)
12) Jared Seaman - The Chocolate Coconut War Part 1 & 2.5
13) Howard Zimmerle - Little Miss "Too Good to Eat Her Own Feces"
14) Dick Roberts - In Praise of George Bush
(Political protest song parodies include "Bomb Iraq" instead of "Barbara Ann"! They're not really in praise of Bush. Roberts; comedy protest song parodies.)
15) Paul Rust and Chris Stangl - Two Guys Try to Do a Piece About Black History Month, But Aprille Keeps Interrupting Them
(Everyone hates Chris and Paul for being in blackface, though their intentions to pay tribute to black history are pure. They dance to "Alley Cat." Clarke, Rust, Stangl; Black history comedy sketch.)
2. (I forgot what anagram...the word "anal" was in there) - Remember When Medgar Evers Was Shot? That Was AWESOME
2.5 Howard Zimmerle - Nicholas Cage is a No-Talent Penismonkey
3. Cosmic Squirrel Frenzy - Super Chicken Rock OR The I Can't Play Guitar Song
4. Emily Yoshida - Best Friends Trilogy Pt. Two: Jailhouse Blues
5. Furious Skinny - Too High Up
5.Paul - Paul Rust - I Buy You Books and I Buy You Books, But All You Do is Eat the Pages
[what??? Brief skit by Paul, Jason answers questions]
[what happened was... there was a gap where a performer wasn't ready, so i grabbed a .5 i had with me and performed it. it was never in the original order. however, people liked it and it made it into best of. that's the story! jason's answering of questions came after my bit, but only as another time-filler. it had nothing to do with my piece. --Paul]
6. Arlen Lawson - Hitler's Nipples
6.5. White Cat, Math Teacher, and Boney Macaroni - Emperor's New Groove
7. Brad Hansen - Three Levels
7.5. Michael Tabor - Boogie, Man
8. Skelonious Bop - Talkin D.J. P. Godd & M.C. Lucre D. Blues
9. Richard Herbst - Dead Grandmother Tells Hilarious Anecdote
10. Jason Nebergall - I Like to Eat It
11. Dick Roberts - Ass Covers
11.5. Jared Seaman - Kitzy the Spider Woman
12. Shock Boyz - Ultimatum I-Chodes
13. Paul Rust - Eulogy
14. Aprille Clarke - VŒgn Op! En Religi¿s Zombie Parodi
15. Chris Stangl - The Green Man
So there was no No Shame on Friday, but you can still watch one on TV tonight. Channel 18. 11pm. I'm going to play the 1st one of the season- Jan 31, I think. It hasn't been on TV yet. Now it WILL be. ! ---Jamal
Once again, no No Shame last Friday, but there is indeed a previously unaired No Shame tape (from the 2nd week of the season) which will be on tonight at 11pm. Channel 18 ---Jamal
0.5) Jamal River and Chris Stangl - He is Upset by a Butt
[This was the thing where Chris was upset by the butt]
1) Howard Zimmerle - Long Dong Silver
[Howard's thing about gay boxer shorts, dad with big porn dick]
2) Roe Lloyd - Found Monologue Series #1: Roe Lloyd's 'What's Up No Shame': Special Edition
[Roe Lloyd's small ass dick / Paul laughs during intro, Chris re-enacts past monologue written by somebody else about little-ass dick, death penalty]
2.5) Brad Hansen - Use Protection!
[Brad Hansen's duck and cover tape]
3) Jeremy Hoffmann - Does Anybody Here Remember Vera Lynn?
[Two guys watch TV and talk]
4) Cassie Gonzales - Your Grandma
[Cassie's thing]
5) Danielle Santangelo - Hazey Jane
[Danielle's sex thing]
5.5) Jared Seaman - Dirty Limerick, Gregorian Style
[Limerick as Gregorian Chant?]
6) Bill McKenna and Michael Tabor - The Party of the Millennium; Never before and never again will there be a single party so enjoyable- it is not likely that another party will take place this millennium that will generate such a good time, meriting this to be called 'The Party of the Millennium' from now until the year 3000. Are you invited?
[Bill McKenna/Michael Tabor--party in entryway]
7) Arlen Lawson - The Carbonated Ocean; a parable
[Arlen's carbonated oceans]
8) A. Fetus [Jesse Blaine] - Listen to Me
[The Featus / The thing where the Silly Putty just sat there]
9) Absolute Destiny Apocalypse - Then Hurt Me
[Sarah's homoerotic bar encounter]
10) the Oak Ridge Boys [Dick Roberts] - The Shocking Connection between Middle Eastern Terrorism and Country and Western Music
[Al-Qaeda as Elvira / Bin Laden is in the Oak Ridge Boys]
11) Adam Hahn - You Will Fall in Love With Me
[Adam Hahn's date gets cancelled]
12) James L. Erwin - My Girlfriend Had a Weird Dream Which I Wrote Down
[James Erwin's girlfriend's dream--NEEP NEEP NEEP]
13) Paul Rust - Your Eyebrows Are Darker
[Paul's awkward cousin/first come thing]
14) Aprille Clarke - I Fall to Pieces
[Aprille's girl falls down thing]
15) Chris Stangl - Keep it Running; or: How to Tell a Story
[Chris wear the hat, Green River farts on bike]
1. Paul P. - Found Monologue Series #2: Family Is Important
2. Brad Hansen - Aiming for the High Brow
3. Jesse Daniel Blaine - Twilight Confessions
4. Paul Rust - I'm Making Presents - (Performed by the Yakamishiis)
5. Jeremy Hoffmann - How to Perform an Emergency ATracheotomy in Three Easy & Fun Steps with 2.5 Midgets, an Elephant Tusk, and a Half-Drunk Burro
6. Emily Yoshida - Fire Practice
7. Arlen Lawson - The Thinking Part of the Universe
8. James Brown - Letter to a Memory
9. White Cat & Math Teacher - I Lost the Comb
10. Jamboy River - Abe Lincoln
11. Paul Rust - The Monster at the End of This Scene
12. Chris Stangl - Moving to Texas
13. Paul Rust - Smiling? OR FROWNING!?
14. Aprille Clarke - The Lair of the Marrow Monkey
15. Chris Stangl - What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You, but What You Do Know Stabs You in the Cunt Repeatedly; or: Aborto's Busy Day, an automatic-writing
1. Brad Hansen - An Animator's Odyssey
2. Steven Seidler, Grade 3 - Found Monologue Series #3: Ducktails
3. An Observer (Blaine) - Religion: A Poem About Love
4. Cassie Gonzales - A Tribute to Andrew Jackson
5. Emily Yoshida - Emily's Bubble, OR: The Pied Piper Goes to Baking Class
6. Jamal River - Problem Solvers
7. Fuck You! My horse is gonna be a senator whether you like it or not - The Worst Skit Jesse Blaine Has Ever Preformed Even Worse than the 'Guitar Incident' and That One With the Lump of Silly Putty, Which Was Actually a Stolen Good Will Fetus
8. Paul Rust - Loser Kid's Birthday Party
9. Samuel Adams - Stepping Up
10. Chris Stangl - Movie Reviewers
11. Arlen Lawson - The Day it All Came Crumbling Down
12. Aprille Clarke - Ice Tornadoes
13. Chris Stangl - Pink Lemonade
14. Paul Rust - Tonight, You - You! - Are the Stars!
1. Shannon Moore, Grade 3 - Found Monologue Series #4: Bugs Bunny Is Here
[so many characters!]
2. Kearn Kirkwood - This Is My First No Shame Piece so Please Be Gentle in Breaking My Hymen of Shame
[monologue about a girl]
2.5. Michael Tabor - Hit It in Your Car
[the wake never works (?)]
3. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld - What if Lord Cornwallis Gave a Press Briefing During the Revolutionary War?
[history repeats itself]
4. Cassie Gonzales - Babies and Corpses
[the desert, the pickup, the enchiladas, the corpse]
4.5. Aprille Clarke - Jokes Without Punchlines: Hello, Mary Lou
[Jennifer Lopez had an abortion]
5. Bobby Evers - Hair Piece
[guy gets hair remains back--tricky!]
6. David Letterman - Top 10 Porno Flicks of Saddam Hussein
[with visual aid chart]
6.5. Aprille Clarke - Jokes Without Punchlines: Goodbye Heart
[cancer eats up him from inside]
7. Arlen Lawson - The Dying Orgy
[Bettina does wave gesture, teaches Errol about world]
8. Michael Tabor - Evil Michael Tabor
[what an asshole! doesn't give kitten tuna]
8.5 Aprille Clarke - Jokes Without Punchlines: Shield
[Dalkon Shield lawsuit]
9. Erin - Winter
9.5. Arlen Lawson - Dr. Jekyll's Evil Potion
[whiskey sour spurs evil]
10. Danielle Santangelo Kovalick - Break My Body
[smoking, hurting]
10.5. Michael Tabor - Keep the Change
[$100 worth of punches]
11. Marmy Shaloway - Who Farted? YOU Farted
[butt in air]
11.5. Paul Rust - Dead Dead Dead
[rock song; performed by the Yakamishiis]
12. Boney Macaroni & White Cat - Icy Manipulation
[Bill stands on blocks, Chinese dynasty, WC does stuff]
12.5. Aprille Clarke - Jokes Without Punchlines: Dangerously Close
[bad things: racism, fingernails]
13. Paul Rust - X-Insert Your Favorite Title Here
[what do those guys have that Paul doesn't?]
14. Aprille Clarke - Certain Things I Can Forgive, Such as Murder
[AC has a boner for Richard Ramirez]
15. Chris Stangl - Natural History Museum a poem
[jumpsuit, broom handle]
"Glory Fades" - Chris Stangl's last No Shame (not counting BONS)
0.5. Matt Hart - Ultimatum 2: Matt Hart Fellates C. Stangl for 5 Minutes
1. Adam Hahn - Mark & Sarah: an Exercise
1.5. Stephens Sherman & Ptacek - Man Drinks MMIlk for the First Time
2. Brad Hansen - Adventures of the Crappy Playwriting Hero Squad
2x2. Erin - I Hope This Is Too Scary for You & You Run Out Screaming
3. James Erwin & Chris Stangl & Michael Tabor & Shannon McCormick & Mike Rothschild & Dan Brooks! - The Historical Record
4. Cassie Gonzales - Only Sulfer Smoke Makes Me Cry
5. Jack Canfield - Chicken Soup for the Street Pimp's Soul
6. Ryan Lovedoll - We Are Destroying the Skit
7. Arlen Lawson - Baby Blue; a Game of Who Is Meaner?
7.5. Josh Kennedy - You'll Always Be Close to my Heart...and my Pancreas
8. Michael Tabor - A Boy Named Jenny
Funniest Ever 9. Paul Rust & Chris Stangl - Gay Einstein and FDR in... Oval Orifice Hijinks
10. Jason Nebergall - Carnivalesque!
11. Jeremy Hoffman - How I Envision my Death
12. the Future of No Shame Theatre - No Shame Needs Fresh Talent, and When They Can't Find 'Fresh' or 'Talent,' They Turn to Us
13. (performed 15) Alyssa Bowman - Crotchety Old Man Stangl, or The Return of Boglin Chris
14. Bullfrogs and Tea! (Paul Rust and Sarah Neilson) - At the End of the Day, What Are You Going to Be? A Mr. Hawkiss or a Penelope? Yeah. Me, Too
15. (performed 13) Scot West - Thank U 4 a Funky Time
16. Kearn Kirkwood - Fifteen Minutes in a Museum
17. Michael Tabor, Jason Nebergall, & Paul Rust - Twilight Zone
18. Absolute Destiny Apocolypse - Devil Went Down
19. Paul Rust - Oakview Shopping Center
20. Jamal River - Chris Stangl's Last No Shame Piece of All Time, by Chris Stangl, & Not
21. Aprille Clarke - Blow Me Up, Blow Me Down
22. Chris Stangl - Giant Monster
Announcements/Order: "Rust," "Stangl"
1. Chris La Voie - The Boy Who Turned Into a Sound
2. Coach Larry Eustachy - It Was Just the Alcohol Talking
3. Cassie Gonzales - Social Darwinism
4. Ryan Lovedoll - Plaid Windows
4.5. Jason Nebergall - Rapping Michael Tabor
5. Jamal River - Baboonza
6. Scot West - This Is the Safest Place to Be, Statistically Speaking
7. Kearn Kirkwood - Sometimes I Dream
7.5. Hyman Asshole - Dr. Tabor, Proctologist
8. Michael Tabor - Useless Excerpts
9. angry lemon - Instinctual Blues
10. Jason Nebergall - Thrillington!
11. NBA Commissioner David Stern - God Bless the USA
12. Michael Tabor and Al Angel - The Dog Can Fly
12.5. Jennifer Lopez - There's More than One Way to Fuck a Duck
13. Jason Nebergall - Breakup
14. Aprille Clarke - Beagle Me This
There is going to be a No Shame at the Peace Camp in Iowa City on the Pentacrest on Tuesday May, 6! At 9-ish PM! And YOU should go! To perform a piece! To witness a piece being performed! You should go! This No Shame will be loosely held under the banner "No War, No occupation, No Shame," however, ALL pieces (political or no) will be welcome. Please come and have fun! And I do promise you will have FUN!!! ---Al
1. the Iowa City Radical Cheerleaders - Lick My Ass
2. Steven Kats and NOT Kat Stevens - Peace Camp 2000
4. Jamal River - Touch My Butt
Nick Clark - 5. What Else Would I Like if I Didn't Like Boobs? Torn from the Pages of Real Life
6. Dick Roberts - Michael Tabor, Proctologist; Part Deux
7. Angry Lemon - Hopeless
8. Sean Shatto - Revelation
9. Arlen Lawson - I'm a Funny Guy!
10. Ben Slattery - I Don't Know What I Would Do
11. Sean Shatto, Ben Slattery and David Burgess - Conversations in the Rain
12. Sarah Neilson - In the Elevator
13. Aprille Clarke - I Fall to Pieces
1. Jamal River - Can You Get it All Done, Paul?
2. James Erwin - My Girlfriend Had a Weird Dream and I Wrote it Down
2.5 Robert Sondag {aka Paul Rust} - I Buy You Books and I Buy You Books, But All You Do is Eat the Pages - (Rick Herbst, Steve Heuertz, and Paul Rust)
3. Furious Skinny - Splendor All Around
4. Steven Seidler, Grade 3 - Found Monologue #2: Duck Tails
5. Cassie Gonzales - Chocolate Cake
6. Michael Tabor - Evil Michael Tabor
7. Erin - I Hope This Is Too Scary and You Run Away Screaming
8. Arlen Lawson - Sexual Fantasies About Your Girlfriend
8.5. White Cat and Math Teacher - William Shows MT a Car
9. Jason Nebergall - This Skit Got Hips
10. Angry Lemon - Mariachi Nightmare
11. Paul Rust - A Masterpiece
12. Math Teacher - I Lost the Comb
13. Paul Rust - I'm Making Presents (Performed by The Yakamishiis)
14. Emily Yoshida - Fire Practice
14.5. Seth Brenneman - Post-Coital Nazi Germany
15. Aprille Clarke - The Lair of the Marrow Monkey
16. Chris Stangl - The Last Thing You See Tonight
For those of you still in town, the Peace Camp No Shame will be on TV this week. Tuesday, 11pm, Channel 18. It was short! The weather was nice! Pretend you're outside actually doing something: right in your own home! ---Jamal