Author(s) - Title (Performers, if known)
1) Chris Stangl - Science Lesson[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Aprille Clarke]
(performed by C Stangl, A Lawson)2) Paul Rust - Ray Krock of Bullshit
[when you barf because you're drunk, you can get drunk again for free! (tragicomedy sketch)]
(P Rust)3) Dan Fairchild - I Went to School with a Girl Who Was Related to the Unabomber
(D Fairchild, T Kovacs)4) Merideth Nepstad - Winter Poem
[D decides against blowing us all up after T gives him Nintendo hints (monolgue/comedy sketch)]
(M Nepstad)5) Mark J. Hansen - Guide to Using the HawkID in ITCs
[Chicago, burning, summer, winter (poem/dramatic reading)]
(MJ Hansen)6) Thomas Kovacs - The People vs. Mickey Mouse
[MJ elaborates on various points in a stream-of-consciousness-style monologue (monologue peppered with giggle-worthy moments)]
(T Kovacs)7) Aprille Clarke - Tie a Yellow Curtain (With Thanks to Donna Marino)
[T, in the style of a closing argument, tries to persuade the audience that Mickey Mouse is guilty of...something. (comedic monologue)]
(A Clarke)9) Arlen Lawson - Wars and Sawa
[A makes new curtains in hopes of lifting her crackwhore mother's spirits (comedic monologue)]
(A Lawson)10) Sam Negron - Angel's Song
[A recounts a tale of imitation mermaids and the tragedy of eating without close examination of food sources (poignant/comedic monologue)]
(S Negron)11) Pookman - Friday Night
[S performs an acoustic-guitar-based song about a childhood friend with whom his love was cut short (musical performance)]
(Pookman)12) Neil "Balls" Campbell - The Turn of the Century
[Pookman discusses the consequences of alcohol abuse (comedic monologue)]
(N"B" Campbell, M Cassady)13) Chris Stangl - Idiot Caleb's Yard Sale
[N"B" delivers a series of mini-monologues, most of which involve stabbing of some sort, while M yells numbers (in-yer-face action monologue thing)]
(C Stangl)
[C recounts a tale of a key-maker grossly misinformed about the value of his yard sale items (comedic monologue)]
(Times in parenthesis)
0.25. James Erwin - James Pretends He's Tom Waits[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Aprille Clarke]
(J Erwin)0.5. Chris Stangl - The Cure-All
[J sings the national anthem Tom Waits-style (song).(2:00)]
(C Stangl, A Lawson)1. Bradley Harris - Cigar Boxes
[C and A drink to the point of homoerotic pleasure--or nearly so (comedy sketch).(1:30)]
(B Harris)2. A.J. Morgan - The Curative Properties of Stupid, Stupid Idiots
[B does skill-based tricks with three boxes (skill performance).(4:00)]
(J River, A Galbraith, A Lawson, P Rust, M Cassady)3. Al Angel - Oysters on the Half Shell
[J looks angry about the injustice in his life while P and M heartily enjoy jokes from a book (comedy sketch).(5:00)]
(A Lawson, S Franklin, J River, A Angel (??), M Hansen (??), (??))4. Tom Kovacs and Sam Negron - Barbarus Inepticus
[young friends choose pizza for a snack and turn out to be pop-culture icons (comedy sketch).(1:30)]
(T Kovacs, S Negron, A Clarke, (??))5. Edmund Scott - Don't Tread on Me
[haircuts are exchanged and shaving cream is sprayed amid banter (comedy sketch).(6:30)]
(JC Luxton)6. Paul Rust - Stammer
[JC seeks acceptance in the Civil-War-Reenacters' amputee club (comedic monologue).(6:00)]
(P Rust, M Cassady, A Galbraith)7. Dan Fairchild - A Rhyme for Orange
[when M and A foil P's sneaky plan to avoid their company, his reaction becomes debilitating (comedy sketch).(3:30)]
(D Fairchild)8. Aprille Clarke - The Needle, the Fluid, the Way We Were
[physically-enhanced rhyming poem (comedy poem).(4:30)]
(A Clarke, M Hansen)9. Tyler "Skylo" Corbett - The I-80 Blues
[M the acupuncturist visits A in the hospital and slips into her IV (comedy sketch).(7:00)]
(T"S" Corbett)10. Arlen Lawson - Dickbreath and the Devil
[T"S" sings and plays the guitar to a song about the interminable nature of Nebraska and things on the other side (song).(3:30)]
(A Lawson)11. Aaron Galbraith - Floats Like a Bungeroth, Stings Like V.D.
[A gets injured while trick-or-treating, meets the devil, and learns the True Meaning of Halloween (comedic monologue).(4:00)]
(A Galbraith, C Okiishi, P Rust, N"B" Campbell, (??))12. Brian Tuttle - Dying for Life
[Aaron proves his athletic prowess by holding P on his shoulders; a potentially dangerous cockfight ensues (comedy sketch).(4:00)]
(B Tuttle (I presume))13. Elena Murphy - Why I Hate No Shame or Think Twice When They Take Your Money
[B ruminates on the nature of the human condition and the sadness that comes with it (dramatic monologue).(6:00)]
(Tricia King)14. Neil "Balls" Campbell - The Run Around Town
[T smokes a cigarette and warns the audience that the No Shame board and regulars are actually hostile toward them yet simultaneously dependent on them. (dramantic monologue/poem).(1:00)]
(N"B" Campbell, A Galbraith)15. Chris Stangl - Heaven's Percolator
[N"B" energetically reminisces about abusive relatives and makeshift homes constructed of garbage and children (comedy sketch/monologue).(5:00)]
(C Stangl, C Okiishi, A Lawson)
[after discussing the sorrows in his life and discussing the nature of heaven, CS (with diabolical overtones) convinces CO to stab A.]
0.5. Chris Stangl - The Breathalyzer Test[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Aprille Clarke]
(C Stangl, A Lawson)1. Thomas Kovacs - Go Out Unto the World and Make Fishers out of Men
[C and A discuss the results of C's arrest and breathalyzer test; included the phrase "police dick" (comedy sketch).]
(T Kovacs, P Rust, Willie's son (sorry, don't know his name), D Fairchild)2. Areli River - Out Cold
[T and P chat in the setting of a bathroom stall; the dirty thing T wants P to do ends up being Jehovah's Witness-related (comedy sketch).]
(A"J" River, P Rust, M Cassady, A Angel, A Galbraith, A Clarke, N"B" Campbell)3. Elysia Hrbek [JC Luxton] - Even the Internet Manifesto
[A"J" has a trippy reaction to a visit to the dentist; there is much hitting (comedy sketch).]
(JC Luxton)4. Alyssa Bowman - The Dan Fairchild
[JC discusses the way the Internet will affect every facet of our lives in the coming years (comedic/ prophetic monologue).]
(D Fairchild)5. Nella Christo Arbock - My Lovelife at Age Four
[D does a variety of dance moves while reciting many words, some of which rhyme and have specific dance moves associated with them (comedic dance performance/monologue).]
(S Franklin)6. Paul Rust - I Wanna’ Rape Your Hand
[S discusses a long lost love from childhood and how that experience affected her eating and other aspects of her life (serio-comic monologue).]
(P Rust, A Galbraith, C Okiishi, Michele Thompson)7. Arlen Lawson - Monkey Feces, Monkey Doo-Doo
[P brags about his emotional and communicative exploits with his girlfriend to his friend; in the end, everyone agrees it's better to talk about violent sex acts (comedy sketch).]
(C Stangl, J River, A Lawson, A Galbraith)8. Dan "The Plow" Fairchild - I Love to Fuck My Wife
[J and AG (and later, AL) feel conflicting emotions about their desire to beat up and old lady and having acted on that desire; AL recounts a tale of a kite and the boy who died flying said kite (comedy sketch/monologue).]
(D"TP" Fairchild, P Rust)9. Aprille Clarke - That Sad Story of That Lady I Know
[D"TP" helps P get over his passive nature by encouraging him to take a more aggressive attitude in his sex life (comedy sketch).]
(M Hansen, C Okiishi, A Clarke)9.5. Brian Tuttle - Coastline
[A and M assume positions that reflect C's lines, which describe a woman who has a lot of issues (serio-comedy sketch).]
(B Tuttle)10. Chris Okiishi - A Song
[B sees the same person on the bus every day and has a conversation about what that might mean and what they might mean to each other (dramatic monologue).]
(C Okiishi)11. Al Angel - The Horror
[using a portable keyboard, C sings a song of loneliness (musical performance).]
(A Angel, C Stangl, A Galbraith)12. Erin King - Britney Spears -&- No Shame Theater
[C and AG depict different stages of a man's relationship with his dysfunctional father (played by AA) (dramatic sketch).]
(E King)13. Luke `n' Mike - Song to All the Girls We Can't Write Songs to
[E describes her occasionally uncomfortable position of mediocrity and how it has affected her life (serio-comic monologue).]
(L ??, Mike Brooks)14. Neil "Balls" Campbell - The Goblin in Me
[M plays guitar and L sings (musical performance).]
(A Galbraith, E King)15. Chris Stangl - Frankie -&- Johnny, Traditional (arranged by Chris Stangl)
[A Valley-type girl is driven to perform uncharacteristic acts by the goblin in her belly, who enjoys being rubbed (comedy sketch).]
(C Stangl)
[while swigging several bottles of quaint sodapop, C delivers rhymed and metered variations on the classic "Frankie -&- Johnny" (poetry performance)]
NATIONAL ANTHEM led by Paul Rust (Rust leads filthy schoolyard
0.5. Chris Stangl - St. Valentine's Day Massacre[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Chris Stangl]
(Stangl, Lawson)1. Paul Rust - Little Shit's Birthday Present
[comedy sketch; Vodka -&- love do not a cocktail make.]
(Rust, River)2. Erin King - Oh Fudge
[comic monologue/ sketch; Guided by Angel Judge Reinhold, a problem child repents.]
(King)3. Kevin Swatek - The Last Word
[comic monologue; Woman who loves everything, including boy, rejected, vomits.]
(Swatek)4. Amanda - Improv Storytime
[dramatic monologue; Man driven to vigilante subway shootings by depressing newspaper.]
(Amanda)5. Nella Christo Arbock - My Love Life at Age Six
[Amanda tells illustrated free-associative story, re: flying beans, poop.]
(King)6. Mark J. Hansen - Groove Bowel and the Towel
[monologue; Young love in the library's spinning chairs leads to vomiting.]
(Fairchild, Rust, Hansen, Sherwood)7. Al Angel - Peeing John Malkovich: The Only Sketch That Matters
[comedy sketch; Pun-laden, free-associative news report including love, rejection.]
(River, Stangl, Angel)8. Dan Fairchild - Rosencrantz and Stansfield are Dead
[inexplicable comedy sketch; Three men impersonate their girlfriends as society ladies at tea.]
(Fairchild, Jeff Hansen)9. Aprille Clarke - She's So Gay and Retarded
[comedy sketch; Gary Oldman fans re-enact actor's death scenes, lament same.]
(Clarke)10. Arlen Lawson - The Legend of Honest Tom
[comedic, romantic monologue; The only replacement for a dead retarded lesbian is dog sex.]
(Lawson, River, Stangl)11. Brian Tuttle - Number Blue
[sketchy monologue; In rebirth allegory, boy throws self from church over town vampire legend.]
(Tuttle, Maglee McQuarlick)12. King Toad - The Only Way
[dramatic scene; Guardian angel quits on disbelieving young fellow.]
(River)12.5 Chris Okiishi - This Will Only Hurt For a Moment
[mean song; You have to go home, because grumpy Hambo is tired of YOU.]
(Okiishi)13. Tom "Kovie" Kovacs - A Total Waste of Time
[monologue; Gay sex can be sad, but love is even sadder if someone gives you AIDS.]
(Kovacs, Fairchild, King, Stangl, Amanda, Jeff Hansen)14. Pookman - The Problem with a Penis
[comedy sketch; Kovacs' lack of script causes audience riot.]
("Pookman")15. Chris Stangl - The Sensual Hitler; a war atrocity
[stand-up comedy; Why anal sex is for homosexuals only.]
(Stangl, Lawson, River)
[comedy monologue for three; Retired armymen relate secret govt. plan to marry Adolf Hitler.]
Order/ Announcements: River/ Campbell
0.5. Chris Stangl - The Prohibition[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Chris Stangl]
(Stangl, Lawson)1. Neil Campbell - Two Twenty Three: A Birthday Card
[comedy sketch; Prohibition's rewards reaped generations later.]
(Campbell)2. Nella Christo Arbock - My Lovelife at Age Eight
[romantic autobio monologue; Neil Campbell LOVES a girl through birthdays past, present.]
(Nepstad)3. Merideth! - A LOVE Poem!
[monologue; Smart eight-year-old loves not-smart eight-year-old, ends romance.]
(Nepstad)4. Soccer Pele [Jamal River] - How to Hurt a Man
[comedy poem; Rhymed, metered plea for "Pookman" to overcome phobia re: hetero anal sex.]
(River, Galbraith, Stangl, Lawson)5. Asthma V. Cooks - Ventilin
[comedy sketch; Gangsters torture fund-skimmer via sex-change, childbirth.]
(Rust, Cassady)6. Mark Hansen - Paperclip Eyebrows
[comedy sketch; Frantic idiots exchange non sequiturs, wrestle, hump.]
(Hansen)7. Dan Fairchild - Feed the Ape for a Quarter
[comic monologue; Man writes bittersweet love letter to cheese stain.]
(Fairchild, Hansen, Lawson, River, Stangl, --)8. Kevin Swatek - Know This is True
[comedy sketch; Ape eats too many peppers, pops.]
(Swatek)9. Thomas Kovacs - Here's Looking at You
[poem; Rhymed, metered unrequited love poem.]
(Kovacs, Fairchild, Nepstad, --)10. Sam Negron - The Curse of the Kovacs Clan
[comedy sketch; The War of the Sexes just won't quit, as ladies and men discuss in separate corners how to impress one another.]
(Negron)11. Arlen Lawson - The Word as Will and Vagina a song
[comic monologue; "Tom Kovacs" explains how every member of "family and extended family" died, chokes on script.]
(Lawson, River)12. Mike Cassady - One for the Cunni; Two for the Blow
[song; Courage comes in a bottle, and that's kind of sad and pretty-sad.]
(Galbraith, Rust, River)13. Neil Van Gorder - Fantasimico, the Light Machine
[comedy sketch; "Dad, where do babies come from?" "Penises_ and vaginas!"]
(Van Gorder)14. Al "Tom Ate a Man" Angel - The Pee-Hole Butt Turd. A Tale of Adventure
[comic monologue; Coked-up "light-machine" inventor saves NYC from chickens.]
(Kovacs)15. Chris Stangl - The Graverobbing Lesson
[comic story; Butt turd stuck in pee hole, causes distress among pees, audience.]
[comic monologue; 4th grade field trip learns about 18th century homosexual grave robbing gangs.]
0.5. Chris Stangl - The Delirium Tremens[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Chris Stangl]
(Stangl, Lawson)1. Thomas Kovacs - Wannabe Baby Carriage
[comedy sketch; Surefire cure for the DT's is unconsciousness.]
(Kovacs)2. Elliot Stapleton - The Misadventures of Social Anxiety Disorder
[comic monologue; Torn Condom finds comfort in Miss Carriage.]
(Stapleton, ?,?,?)3. Pookman - You know what I hate?
[comedy sketch; SAD causes misfortune, terror.]
(Pookman)4. Nella Christo Arbock - My Lovelife at Age Twelve
[stand-up comedy; Answer: Weebles, "Black Dog," Captain Planet, "cock piercings," more.]
(?, Hansen, Clark)5. Julie Shell {JC Luxton} - The Deadlies; Part One: The Blue Cow
[monologue; Jr. high Nirvana cover band singer insights crush.]
(Luxton, King)5.5. Al Angel, Chris Stangl, Britt Hill - How... Do You Spell Manifest Destiny?
[pornographic monologue; Sex acts explicitly described at unwitting audience member.]
(Angel, Stangl)6. Plumper - Deedeedeedeedee
[comedy sketch; "Wanna eat at that new Indian Restaurant?..."!]
(River, Angel, Fairchild, Campbell, Clark, Tom Knapp, Hansen)7. Mark J. Hansen - Franklin and the Sandwich
[musical sketch; Dancing and music.]
(Fairchild, Hansen)8. Aprille Clarke - Don't Call it a Comeback
[comedy sketch; Men bond over sandwich; eat sandwich.]
(Clarke)9. Paul Rust - Stanley Klugman: A Woman's Right... to Laugh!
[comic monologue; Rich girl mutilates fetuses, has affair with spaceman.]
(Rust, Galbraith, Clarke)9.5 Sean - A Song
[comedy sketch; Aging stand-up livens material with on-stage abortion.]
(Mike Brooks, Sean)10. Aaron Galbraith - Sorry, 185 Chandeliers, We Don't Serve `Menorah'-ties...
[song; "We play a song; ladies swoon; lights down."]
(Rust, Clarke, ?, Stangl, River, Cassady, Rust)11. Al Angel - Fart `n' Stink: the Golden Age of Hollywood
[comedy sketch; 6 idiotic blackout gags.]
(Stangl, River, Cassady)12. Dan Fairchild - God in a Two-Bedroom Efficiency
[comedy sketch; Cute old man loved-up, then beaten.]
(Fairchild, J. Hansen)13. Erin King - He Was
[comedy sketch; Why can God fuck your woman and drink your booze?]
(King)14. Neil "Balls" Campbell and Mike "Thunder-tits" Cassady - We Fall Down, We Go Boom
[poem; Car accident gives Erin pause to consider mortality.]
(Campbell, Cassady, Rust, Galbraith, King, Clarke)15. Chris Stangl - The ATM Outside Secret Nails
[comedy sketch; Have goons smashed valuable birdie? No, it's just PAUL RUST!]
[comic monologue; 9th grade romance stifled in mall.]
0.5 Chris Stangl - The Girl Trouble Oracle [1:03][SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Chris Stangl]
(Stangl, Lawson)1. Chimpanzee {Tom Knapp} - The Wrong Number Sketch-0 [2:36]
[comedy sketch; Liquor solves shyness, pregnancy.]
(Stangl, Knapp, River, Clarke)2. Al Angel - The TRUE Love Trilogy; Part One: Microcosm [0:21]
[comedy sketch; Sadistic telephone operator and parrot harass customers.]
(Angel, Clark)3. Amanda - Amanda's Storytime [2:36]
[comedy sketch; A romance begins.]
(Amanda)4. Tom Kovacs - Blind Man's Bluff [6:05]
[comedy improv; Extemporaneous tale of "Arlen's Fat Butt" involves Arlen's consumption of squirrel pee.]
(Kovacs, Negron, Rust, Phaedra Gay, River, others)4.4. Joel Schumacher - Things That Were Wrong With `Batman and Robin' [0:08]
[comedy sketch; "Sam Negron" (Kovacs)'s blindness revealed as sham; "Negron" beaten.]
(Jake Livermore, Steve Heuertz)5. Kate Chisolm - Normalization [6:04]
[comedy sketch; George Clooney and Arnold Schwartzenegger are those things. Blackout.]
(Chisholm, Jeanelle Sims, Phil Nohl)6. Nella Christo Arbock - My Lovelife at Age Sixteen [2:51]
[comedy sketch; Bar girl's conscience laments her bargirl behavior.]
(Clarke)7. Lisa Day - Putty [4:46]
[monologue; Nella consumes hallucinogen, crashes four wheeler, contemplates naked man.]
(Day, ?)7.5. Al "Horatio" Angel - The TRUE Love Trilogy; Part Two: Parallax [0:15]
[monologue; Unwanted grapefruit dooms would-be romance.]
(Angel, Clark)8. Adam Burton - Coming Soon [3:26]
[comedy sketch; Romance now includes sexual relations.]
(Okiishi, Clarke, Cassady, Weird Al)9. Dan Fairchild - Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner or Do You Wanna Wanna Mahna Mahna [2:11]
[comedy sketch; Trailer for film featuring sunblock superheroes and "Floppy Porn Guy."]
(Fairchild, Clarke)10. Aprille Clarke - Who Do You Think You Are? [5:15]
[dance; Comic dance to Jim Henson's "Monomonop."]
(Rust, Clarke, Fairchild)10.5. Arlen Lawson - Genre Pt.I: Horror, Also Known as Comedy [0:28]
[comedy sketch; Prostitute specializes in golden showers; janitor pretends to be business mogul.]
(Campbell, Lawson)11. Frank Schroeder {J.C. Luxton} - The Deadlies, Part Two; The Orange Pig [7:00]
[comedy sketch; Man debilitated by nerves of steel. Everyone laughs instead of feeling sad.]
(Luxton, Okiishi)12. Arly Farly - Stillness a Mop a Kay [1:04]
[comedy sketch; Man steals, eats pie, contracts negative body image.]
(River, Rust, Angel, Fairchild, Clark)12.5. Al "Pretty pretty pretty" Angel - The TRUE Love Trilogy; Part Three: Resolution [0:17]
[musical piece; Jamal bangs pot, leads marching chant.]
(Clark, Angel)13. Paul Rust - My Own Private Sitcom [6:08]
[sketch; Romance dissolved on bus.]
(Rust)14. Neil "Balls" Campbell - This Is Who We Are [4:38]
[comic monologue; Psychosis/ desperation leads boy to enact family tragedy as one-man situation comedy.]
(Campbell, Thompson, Lawson, Cassady, Galbraith, ?)15. Chris Stangl - Brown Dead Leaves and a Dirty Broom [6:20]
[comedy sketch; Parade of horrors commonplace and extraordinary all lost in apathy at restaurant.]
(Stangl, River)
[autobio monologue; Small town spook story of a body on a lawn passes between generations. River accompanies on kalimba.]
Announcements, order: Aprille Clarke, Neil "Balls" Campbell
0.5 Chris Stangl - The Dream Girl[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Aprille Clarke]
(C Stangl, A Lawson.)1. Jenny Stoke -&- Erin King - Union Bar Mid-Winter Contest 2001 aka Tits -&- Ass Meat Show!!!
[C and A discuss the merits of having an alcoholic girlfriend; comedy sketch]
(J Stoke, E King, A Galbraith.)2. Al Angel, Virgie Woolf, -&- Noam Chomsky - Son of Nelson
[J and E get fully clothed, accompanied by Bjork and A; comedy sketch]
(A Angel, nearly everyone else who has ever written or performed at No Shame and was in the audience.)3. Dan Fairchild - 800 Feet Deep
[A falls down, pandemonium ensues; repeat. A finds quarter; comedy sketch]
(D Fairchild.)4. Mark Hansen - Atrophy Wife
[D whimpers, cries, and eventually leaves the stage; patheto-comedy blackout]
(Steph Braun.)5. Melissa Crownover {JC Luxton} - The Deadlies, Part Three: The Yellow Frog
[While talking on the telephone, S reveals her gradual loss of body; serio-comic monologue]
(JC Luxton, A Burton, A Galbraith.)6. Tom Kovacs - Ken Interrupted
[AG lassos and gets pizza, AB repays debt to JC by being hogtied; comedy sketch.]
(T Kovacs, A Galbraith.)6.5. Audrey Plumshower III - The Tale of the Giggly Bumblefucker
[Despite disapproval by the light booth, T delivers a Romeo-and-Juliet-based monologue to a Barbie; comedy sketch.]
(N"B" Campbell, M Cassady.)7. Arlen Lawson - Genre Pt. II: Western
[N"B" and M reveal the true source of Dr. Chris Oki Ishi's massive libido; comedy sketch.]
(A Lawson.)8. Jeffrey L. Hansen - Improvize This!
[In a Western setting, A reveals the beauty of an unconscious Indian, ever the butt of local jokes; serio-comic monologue.]
(JL Hansen, M Hansen, D Fairchild, S Griffin, M Cassady, JC Luxton.)9. Aprille Clarke - African Violence
[Most of the aforementioned receive roles and motivations, then improvise; improvisational comedy bit.]
(A Clarke, C Stangl.)10. Erin King - Chemistry Sucks
[Woman eats African violet, man euthanizes dogs, pain ensues; serio-comedy sketch.]
(M Brooks, S Griffin, P Rust, M Cassady, E King.)11. Spooge Spencer Griffin - "Sock 'em, Rock 'em
[All but E represent variously charged sub-atomic particles; E describes; comedy sketch.]
(S Griffin, M Hansen, P Rust, D Fairchild, T Kovacs.)12. Paul Rust - Four Seconds in the Rectory
[S, M, and P use sock puppets to tell tales; they are accused of plagiarism; comedy sketch.]
(P Rust, M Cassady, T Sherwood.)13. Dan Katz - A.A.
[M-as-priest masturbates, realizes source of arousal is a porn-star parishoner (T), mutual horror ensues; comedy sketch.]
(A Clarke, N"B" Campbell, D Fairchild, M Cassady.)14. Chris Stangl - The John the Baptist Blanket, or: GOD! Get Out of that Machine!
[Several Bobs attend an A.A. meeting with varying contributions; comedy sketch.]
(C Stangl, A Burton, A Lawson, M Cassady, N"B" Campbell.)15. Neil "Balls" Campbell - The Stare
[AB recounts an old-testament story of dancing and violence; N"B" dances under the influence of drugs; C takes off his clothes which made me not be able to pay attention to what he was saying; AL and M describe their S-&-M activites; comedy sketch.]
(N"B" Campbell.)
[illuminated from below, sitting upstage right, N"B" delivers a monologue about staring through a car windshield.; dramatic monologue.]
Announcements: A. Clarke
Order: NB Campbell
0.5) Chris Stangl - The Connoisseurs[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Neil Campbell, comments by Aprille Clarke]
(C Stangl, A Lawson.)1) Orangutans aka Tom! - The Wrong Number Sketch #1
[C and A drink and discuss their wine-tasting methods; comedy sketch.]
(N Campbell, A. Galbraith, T Knapp)1.5) Al Angel - Hymietown: A Murder Mystery -- Part I: Gittes? Gottes? Good
[N borrows role of "Little Shit" from absentee Paul Rust, convinces autistic A to dial 1 in event of emergency, which is his mom's phone number]
(A Angel, M Cassady, M Hansen, C Stangl, A Clarke.)2) Alyssa Bowman - Robbie Had a Baby -&- The Head Popped Off
[MC is blind to MH's murderous lifestyle; series of 3 comedy sketches.]
(M Cassady, D Fairchild, N"B" Campbell, ???)3) the Fun Police Power Team! - Holy Ravioli! -&- Other Catchphrases Involving Pasta
[There was fat man pee, ugly babies, and Tom Kovacs involved.]
(FPPT)3.5) Jason Gorski -&- Dan McMahon - i.e.
[fat-related cat blowing and pasta-related exclamations.]
(Gorski & McMahon)4) Adam Hahn - Driving
[two guys play guitar and one sings a song; musical performance.]
(A Hahn)5) Aprille Clarke - Youth Culture Killed My Lovelife
[A describes automobiles, females, related failures; monologue.]
(A Clarke)6) Arese Dillworth {JC Luxton} - The Deadlies, Pt. Four: The Pale Blue Goat
[woman bleeds pop hits; comedy sketch.]
(JC Luxton, A Burton, C Stangl.)6.5) Al Angel - Hymietown, Pt. 2: Like Nickel-Father, Like Nicholson
[JC is horribly incompetent and ill-rehearsed and in need of constant aid, then he plagiarizes; comedy sketch.]
[See 1.5]7) Nella Christo Arbock - Lovelife
(Nancy Mayfield)8) Dan Fairchild - Event Horizontal
[N. recalls a disastrous trip to Chicago and its effects on her love life; dramatic monologue.]
(D Fairchild, A Galbraith.)9) Mark Hansen - The Misadventures of a Mail-order Monkey
[working sideways, the last two remaining soldiers discuss how to end their mission; comedy sketch.]
(M Hansen, D Fairchild, A Burton, J River, A Lawson.)10) King Toad - Bones
[D is monkey, AB is monkey owner (or are they???), they relate to each other. comedy sketch.]
(J River, lots of others.)10.5) Faye "Al" Angel - Hymietown Pt. 3: Runaway Faye Dunaway
[accompanied by an extensive percussion section, J performs a hit song from his hit album; musical performance.]
[See 1.5]11) Chris "Dr. of GAYchology" Okiishi - This -&- That
(C Okiishi)12) Arlen Lawson - Genre Pt. III: Science Fiction
[Chris debates whether to give up being gay, contemplates identity; seriocomic monologue.]
(A Lawson.)13) Mike Brooks - I'm 15 -&- Pissed: A Song
[a time-machine-related suicide causes pathos, fear, and much planning; seriocomic monologue.]
(M Brooks)14) Mike Cassady -&- Neil Balls Campbell - Noh Rain Now
[M plays guitar and sings a song; musical performance.]
(M Cassady, N"B" Campbell, C Okiishi, A Galbraith.)15) Chris Stangl - Neapolitan in a Bad Place with Sixty Cents
[raincoat chanting, drumming, shouting, butts; comedic performance art.]
(C Stangl)
[Something sharp hanging out of his back, man deals with such factors as the danger inherent in removing sharp thing, irritating flashing neon lights; comedic monolgue.]
Announcements, order: A Clarke, N"B" Campbell
0.5 Chris Stangl - The Mixed Drink[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Aprille Clarke]
(C Stangl, A Lawson.)1. Jeff Hansen - A Judge, a Priest, a Rabbi, -&- the Jihad. A Comedy of Manners
[C and A mix a drink in C's mouth, disappointment ensues; comedy sketch]
(Dan Fairchild, Kevin Mahler, Jeff Hansen, Katherine Brown)2. Al Angel - Buy Dan Fairchild Bye Dan Fairchild
[People with a variety of foreign accents fight over packages; comedy sketch]
(A Angel, D Fairchild.)3. Tom Knapp - The First Ever Live Male Abortion: One HELLACIOUS Shindig
[Part 1 of the trilogy; comedy sketch]
(T Knapp, K Swatek, A Clarke, C Okiishi, A Angel, A Galbraith, various square dancers.)4. Alyssa Bowman - I Can Type 80 Words Per Minute
[C performs an abortion on T, inadvertently removing his penis, which AG munches. AA accompanies; comedy sketch]
(A Lawson, N"B" Campbell, A Galbraith.)5. Dan Fairchild - Tickety-Tock, Schmickety Schmock
[A portrays a man vocally impressed by his own accomplishments; N"B" diminishes him; comedy sketch.]
(D Fairchild, N Clark.)6. Kevin Swatek - Marvin Catches a Fish: A Tale Told in Pantomime
[D reflects on the roles of light, snooze buttons, and national anthem lyrics; N sleeps; seriocomic monologue]
(K Swatek.)6.5. Seth Brenneman - Crazy Times in Wackyville
[K pantomimes catching a fish; pantomime performance]
(S Brenneman.)7. Phillip Rummels {JC Luxton} - The Deadlies, Pt. 5: The Red Bear
[S contemplates and ultimately decides to lick a 9-volt battery; comedy performance]
(JC Luxton.)8. Christopher Okiishi - The Inside Story
[Inspired by a persuasive speech, the audience vows to "Kill the bastards" who make life difficult; inspirational comedic monologue]
(C Okiishi, A Galbraith, A Clarke, ?.)9. Aprille Clarke - Public Darling/Private Dick
[C and A fight for control of their body--wackiness ensues; comedy sketch]
(A Galbraith, A Clarke, J River.)9.5. Al Angel - Light-Skinned-Boy; Dan Fairchild Pt. 2
[Film-noir-style, a woman and private dick try to solve a crime; comedy sketch]
(A Angel, D Fairchild, C Stangl.)10. Aaron Galbraith - I Gave Up Pogs For Lent
[part 2 of the trilogy; comedy sketch]
(A Galbraith, N"B" Campbell, M Cassady.)10.5. Paul Rust - There is No Reason Why Anyone Should Ever Be Unhappy
[Tracing 3 historical situations--Pythagoras, Columbus, and Jesus--N"B" gets drowned; comedy sketch.]
(P Rust, Michelle ___, ??, ??.)11. Egli - Broken
[P cheers his sad friends through song; friendship and happiness ensue; comedy sketch.]
(J River, C Stangl, A Clarke, P Rust, D Fairchild, A Galbraith.)12. MsInimef - Crouching Diaper, Hidden Tampon: Y.H. Crairtap
[people say syllables in time; sound performance]
(C Stangl, N Clark, A Galbraith??.)12.5. Al Angel - Fan Defiled, Dan Fairchild Pt. 3
[C explains women to his sons, N wears aluminum foil; comedy sketch]
(D Fairchild, A Angel, most other people)13. POOKMAN! - The Groaner
[part 3 of the trilogy; comedy sketch]
(P Man, Steve Heuertz.)14. Neil "Balls" Campbell - Thunder Town
[P tells a joke and physically reflects it; comedy sketch.]
(N"B" Campbell, J River.)15. Chris Stangl - Divers Under Rods and Cones
[in a series of mini-monologues in a variety of voices, N wonders about space cats, alcoholic parents, scary lightning, and tit-sucking; serio-comic monologue]
(C Stangl, C Okiishi.)
[Burbling in water, CS discusses the way color does and does not work in photocopies of photocopies of drivers' licenses; damp monologue]
Announcements/Orders: Neil "Balls" Campbell, Aprille Clarke, Chris Stangl
0.5 Chris Stangl -&- Phaedra Gay - The Hay Fever[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Aprille Clarke]
(C Stangl, A Lawson)1. Seth Brenneman - A Match Made in Mattel
[two men drink the point of being able to make out despite vomit-taste; comedy sketch]
(S Brenneman, ??, Furby)2. Aaron Galbraith - An Obtuse Love Triangle
[S and F have relationship problems, discussed over dinner; comedy sketch]
( JC Luxton, N"B" Campbell, T Sherwood, AJ River)3. Spencer Griffin - Huh? What? Nothing
[complications arise when wrestling homosex men fear they have been found out by wife; comedy sketch]
4. Elliot Stapleton - I Know Why the Caged Bird Masturbates
(??)5. Adam Hahn - The Saline Solution
[slide whistling man wreaks havoc on daily conversation; he is thwarted; comedy sketch]
(A Hahn, A Clarke, Chris Gillett)6. Paul Rust - We All Have the Power to Make Change
[AH gets breast implants, which impact his/her life; comedy sketch]
(P Rust)7. Jason Spindell {JC Luxton}- The Deadlies, Part Six: The Green Dog
[An inspirational dance piece goes awry; the audience is mocked for their laughter; solo comedy performance]
(JC Luxton, A Clarke, M Hansen, M Cassady, D Fairchild, t-shirt audience guy)8. Thomas Kovacs - The Definition of Lightweight
[JC interrupts a skit he wrote in order to compliment Paul Rust on his fine job and dicker with an audience member over audience member's cool shirt; comedy sketch/performance]
(T Kovacs, C Okiishi, S Negron)9. Aprille Clarke - A Piece in 3 Chords: A Tribute to the Late, Great Joey Ramone
[T can't handle his liquor, C-as-dictionary spells out the details; comedy sketch]
(AJ River, M Cassady, JC Luxton, A Clarke)10. Sam Negron - Earth's Tragedy
[three characters elaborate on running from the law, the Ramones, cancer, and menstrual treats; comedy/memorial sketch]
(S Negron, T Kovacs)11. Dan Fairchild - Mack the Kiniffy
[Two aliens discuss their misadventures and disappointments regarding Earth; comedy sketch]
(D Fairchild, A Lawson, M Cassady, S Brenneman, __ Hansen, Mark Hansen)12. Christopher Okiishi - Characters Acting
[D sings "Mack the Knife" while others physically embody parts of the song; music video]
(C Okiishi, A Burton, ??, Vicki __)13. King Toad - Will You Please Get Out of the Way
[two enthusiastic and self-aggrandizing instructors teach a community theater acting class; comedy sketch]
(AJ River, Dan Fairchild)14. Sarah Schmitt -&- Neil Campbell - WE dRAnK BEer AND WRooTe A FuNNy SkEtch!
[AJ plays guitar and sings, D plays drums; hit song performance]
(Michelle __, A Lawson, AJ River, T Sherwood)15. Chris Stangl - Let's Learn How Presidents Died, -&- Eat Tapioca
[What was at AJ's farm? T thinks it was sNaKEs! comedy sketch]
(C Stangl)
[C describes the little-known stories of various presidents' deaths while eating lots of tapioca; comedic monologue]
Announcements/Order: Aprille Clarke, Neil "Balls" Campbell
0.5. Chris Stangl - American Poetry[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Clarke]
(C Stangl, A Lawson.)1. Steve "Captain N: The Game Master" H - Five Minutes for the Best Five No Shame Skits of All Time
[two men drink liquor, one blacks out; comedy sketch]
(S"CNtGM"H.)2. Paul Rust - The Greatest Form of Entertainment? Your Imagination!
[S recreates the best No Shame skits of all time; "Pookman," Julia Wilder, and a drumming guy are featured; imitative comedic performance]
(P Rust, A Galbraith, A Lawson)3. Adam Hahn - Bang! A Love Story
[P finds rocketpacks in everyday items; all is saved by TV; comedy sketch]
(A Hahn, ??, ??.)3.5. Maria Hill, Britt Hill, -&- Al Angel - The Longest Poop
[infidelity, fighting, and misunderstanding lead to horrific results for a couple; dramatic sketch]
(A Angel?, A Clarke, C Stangl.)4. Mark Hansen - How'd Your Day Go, Moustache?
[Who is the grossest? The one with the longest poop and the most silly string; comedy sketch]
(M Hansen, A Galbraith, JC Luxton.)5. Lynn Anderson, Scott Arnold, Mary Fons, Will Nedved - A Dance Piece
[There is love. There are puns. comedy sketch]
(Lynn Anderson, Scott Arnold, Mary Fons, Will Nedved)6. Mike Cassady -&- Paul Rust - Problems His -&- Man Dyslexic The
[they dance to a Madonna song; dance performance]
7. Sam Negron - Earth's Tragedy: The Dramatic Years
(C Stangl, A Burton.)8. Arlen Lawson - An Actual Attempt to Woo a Mate From the No Shame Audience
[C and A deliver a sketch with slightly different blocking from the last time we saw it; dramatic sketch]
(A Lawson, N"B" Campbell, Mark Hansen, Chris Stangl, Jamal River.)9. Ink Larck! INK LARCK!! {Nick Clark} - For Ham My Kill Money
[A describes his attributes in order to win love; others love as well; comedy sketch]
(N Clark, A Angel.)9.5. Audrey Plumshower III - Come Se Dice Cuntrocket?
(N"B" Campbell, M Cassady.)10. Aprille Clarke - How to Give a Blowjob in Six Easy Steps, OR: Why the Egyptians Hate the French
[N"B" and M exchange pinga descriptions in Spanish; comedy sketch]
(A Clarke.)11. Charles Flaherty {JC Luxton} - The Deadlies, Part Seven: The Purple Horse
[A sucks mummy dick and shares; comedic monologue]
(JC Luxton.)12. Al Angel - The Life Cycle First Segment The Mom-Hole -&- the Baby
[JC pridefully lectures the audience on his own genius and superiority; dramatic monologue]
(A Angel, N Clark)13. Jamal Stangl -&- Chris River - Running Into Arlen
[A smokes and N gives insights from under the table about what happens when babies come out; seriocomedy sketch]
(J River, C Stangl, A Lawson.)14. Neil "Balls" Campbell - I Smashed a Rabbit -&- the Rabbit Got Sick
[J and C run into A when they take walks; they do terrible and hilarious things to him; bonus play]
(N"B" Campbell, JC Luxton, SH.)15. Chris Stangl - Twenty One Came With Ice Cream Scoop
[N convinces audience members to discuss their own farts and put his teeth back in his head; comedic monologue]
(C Stangl.)
[C uses an ice cream scoop as a variety of props; comedic autobiographical monologue]
Pre-show in Mabie lobby: Special Performance by Tom Kovacs. Accompanied by Nozebone the Band.
0.5) Chris Stangl - Comical Sketch on the Topic of Poor Parenting[SOURCE: order posted on web message board by Campbell]
1) Adam Burton - Coming Soon
2) Erin King - Chemistry Sucks
3) Frank Schroeder {J.C. Luxton} - The Deadlies, Part Two: The Orange Pig
4) Alyssa Bowman - The Dan Fairchild
4.5) Audrey Plumshower III - The Tale of the Giggly Bumblefucker
5) Amanda - Storytime
6) Arlen Lawson - Dickbreath and the Devil
7) Mike "Thundertits" Cassady and Neil "Balls" Campbell - We Fall Down, We Go Boom
8) Dan Fairchild - Feed the Ape for a Quarter
9) Paul Rust - My Own Private Sitcom
10) King Toad - Bones
11) Aaron Galbraith - I Gave Up Pogs For Lent
12) Chris Okiishi - This and That
13) Aprille Clarke - Public Darling/Private Dick
14) Neil Balls Campbell - Thunder Town
15) Chris Stangl - The Sensual Hitler; A War Atrocity