Letters to the Editor

Category: Viewpoints
Last Modified: 12:01:51 PM on 2/27/02
Created: 12:01:51 PM on 2/27/02

Publication: Daily Iowan
Publication Date: 2/26/02
Page and Section: 6 A


Article misrepresented No Shame Theatre

The DI's recent article on No Shame Theatre ("Shamelessly Mindbending or Mindbendingly Shameless?" Feb. 14) was a misrepresentation of the forum.

Contrary to what the article suggested, No Shame Theatre does not solely consist of cheap stunts and shock tactics. It features many sophisticated pieces that present major ideas, provoke thought, and express personal viewpoints. Most importantly, it features writers' and performers' artistic and creative work.

Despite a 40-minute interview, in which No Shame Theatre board member Paul Rust shared and reinforced this perspective, the article only included one single quote. In addition, this quote not only lost its ironic context in print, but it also misreported how an event truly occurred. Furthermore, it was the only quote featured in the entire article. Other viewpoints went completely ignored.

Although it is indeed true that No Shame features risqué pieces, the article failed to mention their artistic intentions. In fact, at one point, such a way of thinking was undermined with a joke about male genitalia ("the pieces are interpretive extensions (no pun intended)")

No Shame Theatre is an open forum for members of the community to express their artistic visions. To reduce it to a venue for nudity (an infrequent occurrence) and cheap gags is to insult all the people who work hard every week to produce a high-quality show. These writers, actors, performers, and audience members (from the university as well as the larger community) deserve a more accurate representation. Come to the Theatre Building at 11 p.m. every Friday and see for yourself.

Aprille Clarke

Aaron Galbraith

Jamal River

Paul Rust

Chris Stangl

No Shame Theatre Executive Board

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