Photo Album

October 10 & 11, 2002 - Best of No Shame
[Photos by Scott Silet © 2002]

Here are some pics from BONS last time. I think from the second night (Oct. 11th), judging by my white shirt in the last photo. I had a black shirt on the first night. --Ristau

Ursula Hull, Technical Director and Joan Ruelle, House Manager behind the concession stand demonstrating product
Clinton Johnston performing "Ride Rag"
Clinton Johnston performing "Ride Rag"
Gregory Hays performing "Homeland Inescurity"
Gregory Hays performing "Homeland Insecurity"
Gregory Hays, Clinton Johnston, and Brandon Allison performing "Greek To Me"
Clinton Johnston performing "Ristau"
Tucker Duncan performing "A Dedication to the Man of the Lower East Side"
Todd Ristau performs "Table Tapping Sex Magicians" or "Just Say No to Ouija"

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