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Subj: BoardRoom: Fridays Show
From: sean@eclinc.com
Time: Mon, 08-Apr-2002 18:31:43 GMT     IP:

I enjoyed Fridays show even though there were less than the 
usual number of pieces. It's spring and everyone must be running 
naked in the woods instead of coming prepared with acts. I have 
two pieces for this Friday and I'm hoping there will be a nice 
turnout. Does anyone have a snare drum? You don't need to be 
able to play it, in fact I would prefer you couldn't. 

Subj: BoardRoom: BTW
From: sean@eclinc.com
Time: Mon, 08-Apr-2002 18:44:26 GMT     IP:

Oh yeah, Lee, your writing is improving with every show. That 
dry biting (dare I say Engish-esque) wit of yours translates 
well into the group performance vs. the monologue. I stil get 
queasy going in to Sams. 

Subj: BoardRoom: What's that URL again?
From: sean@eclinc.com
Time: Thu, 11-Apr-2002 01:05:37 GMT     IP:

OK, I posted on Monday and nobody's responded. Where's the 
lively banter? Iowa has lively banter. Check 'em out. They may 
not have mountains, but they have lively banter. 

Subj: BoardRoom: re: What's that URL again?
From: lee@cstone.net
Time: Thu, 11-Apr-2002 03:27:34 GMT     IP:

:OK, I posted on Monday and nobody's responded. Where's the 
:lively banter? 

4 lousy acts on Friday and you expect lively banter?
That's why we love you. :)

:Iowa has lively banter. Check 'em out. 

They seem to have all the absurdist pieces they can eat. And an 
imprisoned student populace with no hills to head for...

:They may not have mountains, but they have lively banter. 

Bless their little hearts.
And yours.
I do appreciate your kind words, and wish that I had something 
better in ready this week. Sadly i've had no time to construct the 
Wm. S. Burroughs puppet I have in mind...

Looking forward to your pieces in 2 days' time. While I do not play 
the snare drum, neither do I own one.

Keep up the good work. I keep thinking that if I had time it would 
be fun to make Discount Bob a print ad- Just to keep 
Charlottesville guessing. The only thing scarier than ol' Sam is 
the Chickenpussy.


Subj: BoardRoom: re: What's that URL again?
From: sean@eclinc.com
Time: Thu, 11-Apr-2002 16:10:59 GMT     IP:

Lousy acts? Lousy acts? I think you must be using the 
term "lousy" as a quantitative vs qualitative conjecture, my dear 
sir. After all, there was that "show stopping" moment when the 
planted audience members (including myself) were supposed to 
start chanting "No Shame" and we all hesitated. Now thats was 
high drama at it's finest.

$5.00 for the ticket
$1.00 for the PBR
The look on Todd's face, abandoned in his moment of glory - 

Subj: BoardRoom: Battle of the Bands
From: pyxilillymon@yahoo.com
Time: Thu, 11-Apr-2002 18:38:44 GMT     IP:

Hey No Shamers!
        I know we have a few young musicians out there so I just 
wanted to announce that the Culpeper county high school's 
interact club is having a Battle of the Bands on May 18th! Yes, 
that's right. Live music being played in Culpeper. Think it's 
not worth the one hour drive? 1st prize is 200 bucks! So far, 
only 3 bands (mediocre punk bands, at that) have signed up. So 
spread the word cuz we need more bands! Anyone interested can 
email me. pyxilillymon@yahoo.com

Subj: BoardRoom: re: Fridays Show
From: mercedes_2002@hotmail.com
Time: Fri, 12-Apr-2002 01:06:24 GMT     IP:

"Does anyone have a snare drum?" ~Sean

Must it be a snare drum? In other words, are you hoping to have 
that specific sound? If not, consider sand in a box, pan, or 
something of that sort.  Perhaps putting sand in a closed 
container and beating it with an object able to perfom the task 
of drumsticks would be satisfactory?
~ Cecilia

Subj: BoardRoom: Feed Back
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Fri, 12-Apr-2002 20:42:11 GMT     IP:

: Having seen some conversation and critique after The Puberty 
: Shriek reading, I think it would help me a lot.

Actually, I would like to see all the No Shame writers 
participate in the Playwright's Lab, my original idea for it was 
to build into each Sunday Night a discussion among the writers of 
the no shame pieces the Friday before.

Also, for those who are interested in such things, I have 
submitted and been approved to teach playwriting up at Mary 
Baldwin during May Term starting in 2003.

Congratulations, but what does it do for me?  You ask?

Well, now that it is a course officially on the books, I can 
teach playwriting as an ADP course out of PVCC.

You could actually get some college credit for writing no shames, 
since that will be part of the course.

Think about it.


Subj: BoardRoom: re: What's that URL again?
From: LiveArtsLabCo@aol.com
Time: Fri, 12-Apr-2002 20:47:50 GMT     IP:

: $5.00 for the ticket
: $1.00 for the PBR
: The look on Todd's face, abandoned in his moment of glory - 
: priceless.  

I had a moment of glory?  What was it?

Subj: BoardRoom: NO SHAME article research
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Fri, 12-Apr-2002 20:50:31 GMT     IP:

I'm currently working on an article about the history of No 
Shame.  The idea arose out of David Gothard's visit here and his 
enthusiasm when he discovered we were doing a very careful 
documentation of our No Shame with archives and photos.  He 
encouraged me to start collecting a short history of No Shame 
which might be suitable for submissions, either to theatre 
journals or grant writing.  I'm not sure how far it will go, but 
I think if nothing else, those of us who were involved would 
appreciate it finally being put together in some form or 
another.  Sort of like the TDR article but nearly two decades 

Since No Shame isn't any one voice or opinion, I'd like to get 
input from all of you out there.

I know that the Iowa No Shame was important to a lot of people, 
and that the various franchises which have popped up have also 
allowed many to gain some experiential learning and stage 
experience in a low risk environment that they might not have 
gotten anywhere else.

The angle of the article is going to be on how important that 
venue was to people on a personal and professional level. 

It would be a great help to me if you could send your thoughts, 
etc, on what No Shame meant to you, means to you, and so forth.  
Also how, if at all, you feel No Shame helped (or hindered) your 
professional advancement as theatre artists.

If you have a favorite no shame story you'd like to share, that 
would be great too, just send it to me off list and I'll start 
compiling.  Also, please forward this to people who have a No 
Shame connection (performers, writers, faculty, theatre owners, 
etc) but who don't check message boards.

If nothing else, I am sure that Jeff and I will find a way to 
feature the final article on the no shame web-hub, and we've got 
a few other ideas that this type of info would be useful for.  
Nothing will be shared or published or submitted or posted 
without passing the material by the contributor first for 
approval, so feel free to say whatever you like.

thanks in advance for all your help.


Subj: BoardRoom: No Shame First Aid Kit
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Fri, 12-Apr-2002 22:04:47 GMT     IP:

Hey all,

I have come up with a radical idea, and posted it around the 
other no shame boards--don't know what the response will be, but 
the idea is this--

I have submitted a request to the various other no shames out 
there who have people who would like to have their pieces done 
at other no shames to send them to me and I will keep them in 
a "first aid box" which we can pull from on any night when we 
have an order with fewer than 5 pieces in it.

Not to be relied on, but just in case.

If the idea catches on, and other no shames who do not have the 
Iowa City problem of threatening to ban anyone who sneaks more 
than one piece in a week by using a false name, might also set 
up similar First Aid Kits of submitted emergency scripts.  If 
they do, I hope that some of you will make your work available 
to them for that purpose.

A lot of these pieces are just too good to never get done again.


Subj: BoardRoom: About Last Night
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Sat, 13-Apr-2002 16:32:43 GMT     IP:

Fantastic show, all!

Amazing to go from 4 pieces last week to 15 pieces this week!  I 
guess you never know, but what a milestone to hit!  Our first NO 
SHAME with 15 pieces!

The show went pretty well.  I don't have the order in front of 
me, so I won't do a review now...but kids, use spirit gum for 
your fake moustaches,rubber cement should only be used in 

Also, try to remember to use a car when transporting large 
amounts of prop guns to the theatre.  While no press is bad 
press, we don't really want to advertise in the police blotter.

Ok, I was the one in full cowboy gear carrying a pistol in a 
holster with a shotgun under my coat as I walked down market 
street from the 1300 block rehearsing my piece:

"Yeah, I was there...I was white knuckle there...I was there 
with a roar coming out from under my tires and a scream echoing 
out of my lungs that would have set the woods on fire if it 
handn't been raining so god damn hard.  I was there, but I 
wasn't there long, I can tell you that, you son of a bitch."

And yes, several people did stand on their porches looking at me 
and I know when I crossed well lighted intersections stopped 
cars could see the double barrels poking out from under my long 
white coat.....and I am sure I'm the reason a lot of people 
coming to No Shame last night were asking what all the cops were 
doing cruising around Market Street....but I'm just saying I 
know it was wrong.

Loved all the pieces last night, and it was great of Mrs. Kemble 
to stay and see the show.  I hope you all reciprocate and go see 
her show tonight or tomorrow.  Its very important to support 
each other's work.


Subj: BoardRoom: No Shame Piece Workshop Sunday
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Mon, 15-Apr-2002 17:55:34 GMT     IP:

There's been some requests here and in the spoken word for some 
constructive feedback (as opposed to destructive praise) and so 
since we have an open slot with no scheduled reading this Sunday 
at the Playwright's Lab, we're going to have a No Shame Piece 

Its free, come and just listen if you want, but if you want to 
particpate more actively there are several ways that you can.

Bring a piece to perform yourself or have others perform, and 
there will be public discussin from the audience and Writers Lab 
members after each piece.  We'd love to have people show up 
Sunday who want to help out by being readers or performers of 
other people's pieces.  

My hope for the Playwright's Lab is to start getting actors and 
directors interested in coming to the readings and building 
working connections between writers, performers, and directors 
as a result.

After we've read through the pieces people bring on Sunday, 
we'll take a short break and do some discussion of No Shame in 
general and then do some writing excercises.  It should be a lot 
of fun.

The following Sunday is a play reading of a work by Elizabeth 
Rose Fuller, whom you may remember from the 10 minute play 
festival.  The next week we have Leeyanne Moore, a neo-futurist, 
and Sherwood Ross's new play will be read the week after that.  
Upcoming readings include Clinton Johnston, Bill Rough, and 
others.  Come to the Sunday night readings, they are a lot of 
fun and a great way to get involved in new work at the earliest 
stages of develpment.  Every Sunday in the Lab at 7:00, and the 
readings are always free.

For more info, talk to me on Friday--which, by the by, is our 
One Year Annniversary!!!


Subj: BoardRoom: For Peace on Earth Day
From: cory@waldo.net
Time: Wed, 17-Apr-2002 02:56:00 GMT     IP:

On Sunday, May 21st at The New Dance Space there will be a 
benefit for my 
school, the Living Education Center for Ecology and the Arts 
(LEC). The 
benefit will be called "For Peace on Earth Day" due to it's 
timing with Earth 
Day and many actions aimed at peace that are going on around 
that date. There 
will be a silent auction and performances by John D'earth and 
Bobby Read, 
plus performances by students of LEC (including my 
band "Anomie"). People from No Shame 
Theater who wanted to see an encore of my song "Lady Blue" will 
be happy to 
know that we are planning on doing a version of it with 
instruments. Ben 
Jacobs, our music teacher and bassist of Super Tanker may also 
do a few 
songs with us. The whole thing will go from 6pm until 9pm and 
should be very 
fun. The students come from a lot of different places musically, 
alternative with shades of punk to folk rock. For more regarding 
prices or other information call 760-2181. For more information 
regarding the 
students performing reply to me. Thanks and have a happy Earth 

Subj: BoardRoom: re: No Shame Piece Workshop Sunday
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Wed, 17-Apr-2002 20:54:07 GMT     IP:

: For more info, talk to me on Friday--
: which, by the by, is our 
: One Year Annniversary!!!

Oops, wrong week in the calendar, anniversary is next week!


Subj: BoardRoom: Order for 04/12/02.
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Thu, 18-Apr-2002 00:32:46 GMT     IP:

1.  Keseberg's Speech.  (monologue)  Written and performed by 
Tood Ristau.

2.  Recreation.  (poem)  Written and performed by Tucker Duncan.

3.  In Fullness.  (monologue)  Written and performed by Trent 
Westbrook, assisted by Jane Jones.

4.  Entropy.  (poem)  Written and performed by Brandon Allison.

5.  I Hold in My Hands.  (poem)  Written and performed by Cecilia 
Charre.  (door prize piece:  the rubber band ball)

6.  Meeting of the Charlottesville Chapter of the Church of 
Satan.  (monologue)  Written and performed by Sean Nitchmann.

7.  After the Show.  (scene)  By Clinton Johnston.  Performed by 
Annaliese Moyer, Joan Ruelle and Clinton Johnston.

8.  Ex-Prize Fighter.  (monologue)  Written and performed by Todd 

9.  Driving.  (poem)  Written and performed by Erin Fleck.

4.2  Potato Chips, Oreos and Soda.  (poem)  Written and performed 
by Brandon Allison.

10.  If You're Gonna Be a Playwright, Don't Give Up Your Day Job. 
 (monologue)  Written and performed by Sherwood Ross.

11.  Air Conditional Love, Part I: George the First, A Republican 
Reverie.  (dialogue)  By Lee Moyer.  Performed by Joan Ruelle and 
Greg Hays.

12.  Yo! Yo! UFO!  (song)  Written and performed by Sherwood 

13.  Chocolate Pudding.  (scene)  By Sean Nitchmann.  Performed 
by Greg Hays and Sean Nitchmann.

14.  Air Conditional Love, Part 2:  George the Second, A 
Republican Reverie.  (dialogue)  By Lee Moyer.  Performed by Jane 
Jones and Clinton Johnston.

15.  Lisa.  (monologue)  Written and performed by Todd Ristau.

Stage Manager:  Clinton
Lights/Sound: Ursula
Concessions:  Joan
Door:  Jane

door prize:  a mouse on a stick

Subj: BoardRoom: re: Order for 03/29/02.
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Thu, 18-Apr-2002 00:35:08 GMT     IP:

:2.  Ode to Thaddeus.  (scene)  Written and performed by Lindsey 
:and Rishima.
:She spells her name: Lindsay. With an "a".

My apologies.  I always have problems with "Lindsay/Lindsey" and 

Subj: BoardRoom: Program note...
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Thu, 18-Apr-2002 01:08:49 GMT     IP:

I know the order for 4/5 (the week I was out of town) is missing. 
 I'll post it as soon as I can get my grubby little paws on it.  
So, stand by.  But don't hold your breath.  It's not worth 
turning blue over.  :)

Subj: BoardRoom: No Shame History Update
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Fri, 19-Apr-2002 00:50:54 GMT     IP:

Hey guys, at the main page link to no shame history you can now 
find a nice pic of the No Shame founders

Go to: http://www.noshame.org/history.htm

Then click on Todd Ristau and Stan Ruth.


Subj: BoardRoom: re: Program note...
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Fri, 19-Apr-2002 23:34:02 GMT     IP:

:I know the order for 4/5 (the week I was out of town) is 
 I'll post it as soon as I can get my grubby little paws on it.  
So, stand by.  But don't hold your breath.  It's not worth 
turning blue over.  :)

My piece was "The Metro" and not worth turning blue over for sure.

I believe I was first in the order.

Subj: BoardRoom: Order for 04/05/02.
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Sat, 20-Apr-2002 17:39:33 GMT     IP:

[Note:  I wasn't at No Shame on 04/05/02.  Therefore, there are 
some gaps in my knowledge.  Please reply to fill in the blanks or 
to correct errors for Jeff and the real archives.]

1.  The Metro.  (scene) By Todd Ristau.  Performed by ???.

2.  Beat Down Sky.  (song)  Written and performed by Cory Capron.

3.  Undisclosed.  (scene)  By Cecilia Charre.  Performed by 
Cecilia Charre and Adrian Fahrenheit.

4.  A PR Crisis.  (scene)  By Lee Moyer.  Performed by Lee Moyer, 
Annaliese Moyer, Trent Westbrook and Clinton Johnston.

Stage Manager:  Clinton
Lights/Sound:  Trent
Concessions/Door:  Joan

door prize:  rubber band ball

Subj: BoardRoom: Order for 04/19/02.
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Sat, 20-Apr-2002 18:01:11 GMT     IP:

A.  To Make Todd Happy. (miming magician in drag)  
Written and performed by Trent Westbrook.

1.  Untitled (serious).  (poem)  Written and performed by Tucker 

2.  I Can Hold My Breath (For a Long Long Time).  (song)  Written 
and performed by Cory Capron.

3.  Impressions.  (stand-up comedy).  Written and performed by 
Steve Ryan.

4.  I Will Never See You Again.  (poem)  By Erin Fleck.  
Performed by Erin Fleck, Annaliese Moyer, Todd Ristau and Tucker 

5.  History, Part 1.  (monologue)  Written and performed by 
Dolores Curry.

6.  The Denny's Night Manager Hypothesis.  (monologue)  Written 
and performed by Kevin Holenbeck.

7.  History, Part 2.  (monologue)  Written and performed by 
Dolores Curry.

8.  No Shame Jokes.  (sit-down comedy)  Written and performed by 
Ron R.  (I can't read the spelling of the last name -- sorry!!  
Reply here if you want to clear up the mystery.)

9.  Take Back the Classroom.  (monologue)  Written and performed 
by J. D. Ruelle.

10.  Excerpt from "Baron Jiro".  (scene)  By Sherwood Ross.  
Performed by Sean Nitchmann, Lee Moyer, Tucker Duncan and Dolores 

11.  A Town Like Alice.  (monologue)  Written and performed by 
Lee Moyer.

12.  I Am Not a Comedian.  (stand-up comedy)  Written and 
performed by Conley Jones.

13.  Untitled (funny).  (poem)  Written and performed by Tucker 

14.  HAM:  Ho's Against Male Testosterone.  (monologue)  Written 
and performed by Cecilia Charre.

15.  Fire, Etc.  (monologue)  Written and performed by Todd 

Stage Manager:  Jane, with assistance by Cecilia
Lights/Sound:  Ursula
Concessions:  Joan
Door:  Jane

door prize:  a gift bag

Subj: BoardRoom: re: Order for 04/05/02.
From: mercedes_2002@hotmail.com
Time: Sun, 21-Apr-2002 14:58:19 GMT     IP:

Urse:  Please reply to fill in the blanks or to correct errors for
       Jeff and the real archives.

If it matters for the archives, I wanted to let you know that my 
piece("Undisclosed") was a doorprize.  Also, Adrian's last name 
is spelled:  Farenheit 
Take Care!

Subj: BoardRoom: re: Order for 04/05/02.
From: mercedes_2002@hotmail.com
Time: Sun, 21-Apr-2002 15:04:35 GMT     IP:

Oops!  I forgot to tell you what the door prize was that I 
incorporated into my piece.  It was a white, plastic mask.  :)
h-&-k, Cecilia

Subj: BoardRoom: hackensaw hee haw hoo hah
From: jgibson@livearts.org
Time: Tue, 23-Apr-2002 16:00:17 GMT     IP:

to: those without shame
from: him without sense
re: them without couth

dear no shamers,
 gibson here. we would love to hear from anyone with interest in 
creating/performing some original pieces for the upcoming may 2 
hackensaw boys concert at the jefferson theater. we are seeking 
hee haw style (rural, comic) pieces, within the no shame 
constraints (under 5 minutes, no harm to people or space) to 
intersperse within the music sets. you would get a great 
(probably large ) audience and the ability to hear the show and 
mingle backstage. interested? get in touch with our production 
manager row halpin at production@livearts.org or 977.4177 x 112. 
she's scheduling all our folks for this (we're also selling 
refreshments and getting the proceeds from that). a good time 
will be had by all.

Subj: BoardRoom: Next performance
From: gtate@nexet.net
Time: Thu, 25-Apr-2002 00:20:32 GMT     IP:

OK guys. When is the next No Shame theatre? Can't find it in the 


Subj: BoardRoom: re: Next performance
From: sean@eclinc.com
Time: Thu, 25-Apr-2002 01:15:11 GMT     IP:

Every Friday at 11:00, pieces taken starting at 10:30. Please 
write something and perform. Please note, I am not an official No 
Shame spokesperson nor do I play one on TV.

Subj: BoardRoom: They grow up so fast!
From: jdr9d@virginia.edu
Time: Thu, 25-Apr-2002 20:33:56 GMT     IP:

Greetings All,

Our little NoShame is growing up so fast!  This Friday night 
(April 26th) marks the 1 year anniversary of NoShame in 

Go NoShame, Go NoShame,
It's Your Birthday,
It's Your Birthday!!

I'm baking NoShame a cake.
Maybe some folks want to write special anniversary pieces?
And wouldn't it be great to see some 3-5 minute recaps of the 
entire year?  I'm just sayin'....

See you there,

Subj: BoardRoom: Order for 04/26/02.
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Sat, 27-Apr-2002 18:00:06 GMT     IP:


As always, please reply with additions, corrections, comments, 

1.   National Anthem.  (scene)  Written and performed by Turner -&- 
(Note:  Sorry, guys, I didn't get your first names.)

2.  Alien, Baby.  (monologue)  By Sandy Dietrick.  Performed by 
Ayesha Muhammad.

3.  Laura.  (poem)  Written and performed by K.T.

4.  Sayonara, Sarah!  (scene)  By Sherwood Ross.  Performed by 
Lee Moyer and Sherwood Ross.

5.  Reverberation.  (poem)  Written and performed by Cory Capron.

6.  The people, united, will never be defeated!  (monologue)  
Written and performed by Jane Jones.

7.  Audience participation improv by Clinton Johnston -&- Scott 

8.  The Intact.  (poem)  Written and performed by Amanda French.

9.  Jokes.  (sit-down comedy)  Written and performed by Ron 
Riekki, assisted by Cory Capron.
(Note:  Is that the correct spelling of your last name, Ron?)

10.  Marrying for Money.  (scene)  By Sherwood Ross.  Performed 
by Lisa, Sherwood Ross and another person.
(Note:  More missing details -- Lisa, what's your last name?  And 
who can tell us who the other woman was, the one playing the 

11.  Heroes (literary criticism).  (monologue)  Written and 
performed by K.T.

12.  If I Had a Penis.  (poem)  Written and performed by Delores 

13.  True Confessions.  (scene)  By Lee Moyer.  Performed by Todd 
Ristau and Lee Moyer.

14.  Dead Men Don't Wear Mouths.  (monologue)  By Sandy Dietrick. 
 Performed by Kendra Clarke.

15.  It's No Shame's Birthday.  (memoir monologue)  Written and 
performed by Todd Ristau.

Stage Manager:  Clinton
Lights/Sound:  Ursula
Concessions:  Joan
Door:  Jane

door prize:  a wooden crane (the bird, not the machine)

Subj: BoardRoom: re: Order for 04/26/02.
From: ursula@u-j-h.net
Time: Mon, 29-Apr-2002 17:38:00 GMT     IP:

:12.  If I Had a Penis.  (poem)  Written and performed by Delores 

Lee has pointed out my (possibly Freudian) slip in referring to Rochelle as Delores.

My apologies ...

Subj: BoardRoom: Mortichi Krable in Retirement
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Tue, 30-Apr-2002 21:35:00 GMT     IP:

I have been informed that you can find Mortichi Krable online now 
at www.jesus.com

He'd like you to stop by, especially if you are a nordic blonde 
single woman who liked hot tubs.


Subj: BoardRoom: Biology Lesson
From: liveartslabco@aol.com
Time: Tue, 30-Apr-2002 21:55:44 GMT     IP:

The Biology Lesson and other Experiments opens at Mary Baldwin 
College on May 8th and runs through May 12th.  Performances are 
all at 8:00pm sharp, except the Sunday one which is at 2:00.

Tickets are $4 for Students, Senior Citizens, and Faculty, with 
all others being $6.00

The play is in the Collins Theatre which is in the basement of 
Deming Hall on the MBC campus.  To reserve tickets call 

The play is a series of very interesting monolgogues by female 
characters, many originally developed and performed at Midnight 
Madness in Iowa, which was the precurser to our own No Shame.

I (Todd Ristau) am directing, there are 13 monologues, running 
time should be around an hour and a half.

The writer is coming to see the show on Sunday, but if anyone is 
interested in going and would like to be part of a theatre 
caravan on any of the production dates, let's start organizing 

If you live in the Staunton or Waynesboro area, (hint hint, 
trent) please start spreading some word of mouth there too.  May 
term generally has fairly low turn out and I'd love to see some 
records get broken with this show.  If we get a large turn out 
then it will be easier to take some other interesting chances in 
the main stage here down the road, instead of just waiting for 
the head of my department to be in England for the May Term and 
the other faculty member out with hip surgery.  Come on, team, 
let's make it happen!  I want to hear the phones a ringing in the 
box office starting tomorrow!

I dare you on your honor as No Shame Audience Members to come see 
this play.  (it has frog pithing, bad language, adult situation, 
gals drinking, and some qual-i-tee dramma!)


[Skip back to March 2002 / Return to Boardroom index / Skip ahead to May 2002]